I regularly meet with counseling clients who have engaged in occultic sin prior to their salvation. When they became Christians, they invariably sought and received forgiveness for their sins in these areas and are comforted by knowing that God has forgiven them.
Case closed, right?
Sadly, for many, the answer is no! God does cleanse us from all unrighteousness and remembers our sin no more. However, most are not aware that during that season of sin, they unwittingly invited in occult spirits, and those demons do not necessarily leave at salvation or repentance.
God’s people perish for lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6), and the bible warns specifically about seeking wisdom, revelation or guidance from wrong sources. Occult sin occurs when we venture into this realm, and we end up getting defiled.
Do not turn to mediums or seek out spiritists, for you will be defiled by them. I am the LORD your God. (Leviticus 19:31).
The word “defiled” means to pollute or stain. There are many aspects to defilement, and it is often used tin the context of adultery and the marriage bed. As damaging as that is, can there be a defilement worse than having evil spirits entering into the temple (our body and soul) of the Holy Spirit? Demonic spirits cannot just jump upon a person; they need an entry point, and occult sin is one of them.
We have witnessed this phenomenon with those who embroil themselves in teaching or participating in alternate healings, martial arts, massage therapy and other activities that contain an occultic spiritual component. The last half of the previous sentence is important: only activities that invoke connecting with a spirit other than the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob are dangerous!
Defilement can occur when these demons we sought insight from set up residence inside of us. If we open the doors, they will gladly enter. The reality is that confession and repentance alone is often not sufficient for these devils to flee. Deliverance ministry was given to the church (Mark 16:17) and Sheriff Jesus is willing to come to the house, with an eviction notice, to expel the unwanted residents!
Forgiveness of Occult Sin Does Not Guarantee Demons Leave
Occultic sin opens the door for practitioners and also participants.
A few years ago, I ministered to a man who had his palm read once at a county fair when he was a young adult. I cannot remember exactly what was “prophesied” over him, but he believed it and a spirit entered him. He remembered this incident as part of his preparatory homework and there was a manifestation when that curse was broken and I called the spirit out. A one-time occurrence in the past resulted in years of torment in his life until he was delivered.
What kind of manifestations can there be when one has occultic spirits? The symptoms vary, but the common theme often involves hindering the afflicted one in strengthening their relationship with the Lord. Examples include (but not limited to):
- Difficulty in entering into worship
- Struggling to understand what they read in the bible
- Dozing off when they sit and read God’s word
If you’ve been involved in occultic sin in the past and are unsure of you’re still tormented, start with this prayer:
“Father God, I believe in Jesus Christ as the Son of GodI confess that I have sinned in the following ways: _____________(list the occult sins). I renounce every attempt I have made to seek power or knowledge from any source outside of Jesus Christ. Thank you, Father, for forgiving me. I break the power of every demonic spirit that torments me because of this sin and I command you to loose me now, in the name of Jesus.”
This renunciation prayer can be an effective tool of self-deliverance for some. However, there may be other open doors or legal rights allowing these spirits to remain. In that case, you will need help from a competent deliverance minister, and we encourage you to seek that out.
If you are unable to locate one in your area and are willing to receive help over the internet, we encourage you to check out our client success stories and prayerfully seek if the Lord would have you contact us.