Christian Counseling Services
What Are You Struggling With?

Above & Beyond provides Christian counseling services worldwide and in our FL offices. All of our counselors are licensed with the National Christian Counselors Association. Select a focus area or go to the topic tabs below:
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Is worry or anxiety driving you crazy? Are you overly concerned about things that just don’t seem to burden other people?
- How you look?
- Relationship issues?
- Your children?
- Fear of man
- Fear of the future
- Growing old alone?
- Irrational fears that no one else would understand?
Fear is an emotion that is part of our soul reacting to real or perceived life situations. It’s a normal emotional reaction that we all face but sometimes it can be overwhelming. The question is whether or not it is an “issue” in your life: does it frequently overwhelm your life’s activities? Do you know the root cause of your fear? Is there an inordinate amount of fear and anxiety in your bloodline? We believe it may be an issue if one or more applies:
- Fear or anxiety has been part of your life for a long time.
- Fear, anxiety or worry is significant in your family bloodline.
- Medications have been unsuccessful and a band aid solution at best.
- You have had panic attacks
- Phobias have plagued you.
- Nighttime torment is common.
If one or more applies, then maybe we can help you. You may need some competent Christian counseling help to sort through the issues that are bringing about this anxiety. You may also need deliverance from a stronghold of fear. We can help you!
We encourage you to read the articles and testimonials from people just like you that we have been able to help. Spend some time on the website also to learn more about our resources and services.
We offer appointments in our Florida offices or worldwide via the internet. If you are ready to make an appointment, please contact us to schedule the first session.
Depression in Women
Depression in women can be debilitating! Has depression been a long term “issue” in your life or is it relatively recent?
- Do you know the specific source of your depression?
- Do you see a lot of generational issues in your family bloodline?
- Have you tried medical alternatives (medication) and found that they provide limited (at best) or temporary relief?
- Do you have a sense that the root cause(s) may be spiritual in nature and need a spiritual solution?
We can help!
It is important to identify the root cause so you can be set free to receive the joy of the Lord! You may need some help sorting through the issues but you may also need deliverance from a stronghold of depression. Check the testimonials from people just like you that we have been able to help.
We offer appointments in our Florida offices or worldwide via the internet. If you are ready to make an appointment, please contact us to schedule the first session.
Depression in men is different. Visit Depression in Men.
Depression in Men
Depression in men is different than for women. Life happens and situations can arise that causes us to feel down for a season. Have you been feeling depressed for much longer than you or others think is normal? Maybe it’s been almost a lifelong condition for you? Are people telling you that you look depressed which serves to make you feel worse? We can help you get to the root cause so that the joy of the Lord can be prevalent in your life!
The question is whether or not it is an “issue” in your life: does it frequently overwhelm your life’s activities? Do you know the root cause of the depression? Are you wondering still what God’s call is in your life or feel unfulfilled at work and unappreciated?
We believe it may be an issue if one or more applies:
- Depression has been part of your life for a long time.
- Depression is significant in your family bloodline.
- Medications have been unsuccessful and a band aid solution at best.
You may need some competent Christian counseling help to sort through the issues that are bringing about this depression. You may also need deliverance from a stronghold of depress. We can help you get to the root!
Depression is different for men. Visit Depression in Women.
We encourage you to read the articles and testimonials from people just like you that we have been able to help. Spend some time on the website also to learn more about our resources and services.
We offer appointments in our Florida offices or worldwide via the internet. If you are ready to make an appointment, please contact us to schedule the first session.

If you are married or in a relationship and your spouse/partner is open to counseling, check out our services for Couples/Families. Maybe you are in relationship and partner does not want help but you know that you need it. Be encouraged!
We can work with you so that you can be the best person possible and walk in peace, joy and victory as you implement specific strategies to help strengthen the relationship. If the relationship seems hopeless, we can help you to protect and strengthen yourself so you can move forward from here.
We encourage you to read the articles and testimonials from people in relationships and marriages that may be similar to yours. Some we have been able to help. In some instances, unfortunately, our focus is on helping the wounded partner move ahead with the rest of their life. If that is you, be encouraged and hopeful. God still loves you and has a good plan for your life (Jer. 29:11).
Spend some time on the website also to learn more about our resources and services.
We offer appointments in our Florida offices or worldwide via the internet. If you are ready to make an appointment, please contact us to schedule the first session.
Understand Your God-Given Temperament
Spanish Version:
Do you struggle with understanding why you react in certain ways in different situations?
Do you wish you were more like someone else and question God about why He made you this way?
As you understand your temperament strengths and weaknesses, it will help you immensely in every area of your life:
- how you interact with people
- how to make better decisions
- what types of employment are you best suited for
- how to communicate more effectively
- learn how to deal with your anger
- and so much more!
You will be able to use your strengths to bless others and cooperate with the Holy Spirit to transform your weaknesses.
It is especially powerful in couples, family and marriage counseling situations because one better understand each other’s needs they are better able to meet them if they have a willing spirit! Needs must be met in godly ways or sinful behaviors will typically result! How can you meet someone’s needs (or your own) unless you know what they are?
The methodology we use (the Arno Profile System from the NCCA) identifies three separate human interactions and identifies each one in two different ways. You complete a short questionnaire, we generate the report and then go over it with you.
The cost for each profile is $95 (you receive your personal report). We will review the profile with you in a counseling session. The financial consideration for that session is based on our normal rates. Additional sessions are likely required when more than one person is being reviewed.
You’ll get answers to questions like these:
Inclusion (our need to be around others)
“Am I a loner or a social butterfly.. or somewhere in between?
“Is the need I show, the need that I really have?”
“What are the strengths and weakness of this need?”
Control (need to be in charge or be dependent in relationships and desire to take on responsibilities)
“Am I independent, dependent or somewhere in between?
“Is the need I show, the need that I really have?”
“What are in the strengths and weaknesses of this need?”
Affection (interaction in deep relationships)
“How much affection do I need from my close personal relationships?
“Is the need I show, the need that I really have?”
“What are in the strengths and weaknesses of this need?”
There are five different temperament types and you could be different in each area; you were fearfully and wonderfully made! The five temperament types are:
- Melancholy Temperament
- Supine Temperament
- Sanguine Temperament
- Choleric Temperament
- Phlegmatic Temperament
Contact us today to get started!
Your spouse has committed adultery and you are understandably hurt and wounded. What do you do now? Do you leave? Do you try to drag him or her in for counseling right away? If your partner is willing, please check out our available services for Couples/Families.
Maybe you are the one who has committed adultery and don’t know what to do next. We have services to help you walk through this trial and let God’s word and healing power help you recover.
If you are the wounded party and your spouse will not come in for counseling, we can still help you when we get answer to the following questions:
- Do you need help getting over the wounding and the hurt?
- Do you understand the issues that led to the betrayal? What was your role in those issues?
- Do you want to know what you can do to still be the spouse that God created you to be so that you can see change in your partner?
- Are you finished with the marriage and are just ready to move on?
We encourage you to read the articles and testimonials from people just like you that we have been able to help. Spend some time on the website also to learn more about our resources and services.
Are you ready to make an appointment?

The term “family counseling” is very broad and typically masks underlying issues that may be at the root of problems. There are often layers of problems and if it is a blended family situation the issues are compounded.
As counselors, we try to get answers to the following questions, as a minimum, in order to recommend the best approach:
- What are the perceived problems?
- What is the spiritual, mental and emotional condition of the parents?
- Are there behavioral strongholds such as anger, fear, depression addictions or pornography (typically called “issues”) that are present in one or more of the parents?
- What issues are the children presenting?
- Is there agreement on what a healthy family looks like? What are the areas of disagreement in terms of discipline.
Depending upon the answers we receive to those questions, and others, we are able to propose a ministry plan.
We encourage you to read the articles and testimonials from people just like you that we have been able to help. Spend some time on the website also to learn more about our resources and services.
We offer appointments in our Tampa , Clearwater and Brandon Florida offices or worldwide via the internet. Are you ready to make an appointment? Contact us to schedule the first session.
Has unresolved anger manifested over a long period of your life so that it damages your relationships?
- Have you been told that you’re like another person when you’ re angry? That it is not “you”?
- Do you see a (potential) generational issue in your family bloodline?
- Have you tried anger management classes and/or books and found that they provide limited (at best) or temporary relief?
- Do you have a sense that the root cause(s) may be spiritual in nature and need a spiritual solution?
We can help you!
We can help you sort through the issues that are at the root of these realities in your life. You may also need deliverance from a stronghold of anger. We can help you!
We encourage you to read the articles and testimonials from people just like you that we have been able to help. Spend some time on the website also to learn more about our resources and services.
We offer appointments in our Florida offices or worldwide via the internet. We’ll give you the details when you call. If you are ready to make an appointment, please contact us to schedule the first session.
Lust / Pornography
Does pornography have a hold over you? Do you find yourself almost continually drawn to it and yet finding yourself giving in? Has it been a long term battle and you’ve seen limited, lasting fruit if any at all? Are your eyes continually been drawn to look at women in a sexual way that results in mental torment?
We see addiction to pornography as typically the “end” result of other issues, including pride, fear, depression, loneliness and the fruit of sexual sin. These root issues must be dealt with in order to secure and maintain a lasting victory.
We encourage you to read the articles and testimonials from people just like you that we have been able to help. Spend some time on the website also to learn more about our resources and services.
We offer appointments in our Florida offices or worldwide via the internet. If you are ready to make an appointment, please contact us to schedule the first session.
The world says that men are supposed to be fearless warriors and providers who march forward with purpose and clarity. Has that mantle worn you down? Are you constantly been harassed by worry in the area of your job, family or relationship? Are you obsessed with mental pictures you have about the future that you see lying ahead?
Fear is an emotion that is part of our soul reacting to real or perceived life situations. It’s a normal emotional reaction that we all face but sometimes it can be overwhelming. The question is whether or not it is an “issue” in your life: does it frequently overwhelm your life’s activities? Do you know the root cause of your fear? Is there an inordinate amount of fear and anxiety in your bloodline? We believe it may be an issue if one or more applies:
- Fear or anxiety has been part of your life for a long time.
- Fear, anxiety or worry is significant in your family bloodline.
- Medications have been unsuccessful and a band aid solution at best.
- You have had panic attacks
- Phobias have plagued you.
- Nighttime torment is common.
If one or more applies, then maybe we can help you. You may need some competent Christian counseling help to sort through the issues that are bringing about this anxiety. You may also need deliverance from a stronghold of fear. We can help you!
We encourage you to read the articles and testimonials from people just like you that we have been able to help. Spend some time on the website also to learn more about our resources and services.
We offer appointments in our Florida offices or worldwide via the internet. If you are ready to make an appointment, please contact us to schedule the first session.
Our experience is that the lament of needing to learn how to communicate better is typically a symptom of the problem and not the central issue.
If poor communications between partners is this really is the “root issue”, then we can help you! How? By teaching you about you and your partner’s God-given temperament. You will each learn your strengths, weaknesses and needs and this will help you improve all areas of your life, including communications!
We use the Arno Profile System, an NCCA clinical diagnostic tool to do temperament analysis so we can help you more effectively!
If there are other “issues” or “baggage” that are also involved, we can help you with that too!
We encourage you to read the articles and testimonials from people just like you that we have been able to help. Spend some time on the website also to learn more about our resources and services.
We offer appointments in our Florida offices or worldwide via the internet. If you are ready to make an appointment, please contact us to schedule the first session.
Premarital Counseling

At Above & Beyond Counseling Center, we tailor premarital counseling to the specific desires and also the needs of the couple. It would be simpler to have a specific program but our experience is that one size does not fit all when it comes to preparing people for marriage.
As counselors, we try to get answers to the following questions, as a minimum, in order to recommend the best approach:
- What are the religious backgrounds and experiences of each?
- Are there behavioral strongholds such as anger, fear, depression, addictions or pornography (typically called “issues”) that need to be dealt with?
- Has one or more partner been married before. Do they have “baggage” from previous relationships?
- Is there a need to understand each person’s God-given temperament so they can better serve their needs?
- Do they know what a healthy marriage looks like? Ephesians 5:33 says that a wife is to respect her husband and a husband is to love his wife.
The duration of premarital counseling can typically range from three to eight sessions, depending upon the needs and desires of the couple. Using internet technology, we are also able to offer this service worldwide.
Emotional Baggage
Are the issues you are dealing with in your marriage or current relationship not new? Have you faced similar situations in the past with other partners? Maybe the issue is less about your partner and more about what has happened to you in the past.. or what you have done in the past? One or both have brought emotional baggage into this venture.
Fear? Depression?Anger? Pornography?Lust/Perversions? Addiction?
You may be dealing with strongholds issues that have been part of your life for a long time.These must be dealt with so your relationship can thrive.
You may need some competent Christian counseling help to sort through the issues that are bringing about this depression. You may also need deliverance from a stronghold of depression. We can help you get to the root!
We encourage you to read the articles and testimonials from people just like you that we have been able to help. Spend some time on the website also to learn more about our resources and services.
We offer appointments in our Florida offices or worldwide via the internet. If you are ready to make an appointment, please contact us to schedule the first session.
Get Started
Initial Consultation – In Office or Online
The first session, whether in our Florida offices or online via the internet, is always an interview where you can share the issues the issues that have led you to seek help. It is an open-ended sessions where we try to gain understanding of the situation so we can formulate and propose the best ministry plan.
Typical questions addressed include, but are not limited to, the following:
- “If you died today, would you be in heaven or hell? If you think you’d be in heaven, why would God let you in?”
- “What is your family history?”
- “Do you see issues in your life that seem to be generational”
- (For couples): “What are the major issues you are dealing with?”
- (For families): “What behaviors do you see in your children that are a concern?
- “Are there ‘issues’ in your life (depression, anger, fear, lust, etc) that you’ve not gotten victory over?”
- Client’s understanding of spiritual warfare
- Personal or family history in the occult
- Synopsis of major relationships/marriages and why they ended
- Past and present use of psychotropic medications
- Past counseling experiences and / or healing processes
Financial Consideration
The counseling center is self-supporting and we are not subsidized by any churches or outside organizations. The normal cost for Christian counseling services from licensed and degreed professionals typically runs $150 or more per 50-minute session or more.
For those who have lower incomes, the following sliding scale price guide, based upon total gross household income, will assist you in determining the consideration session.
Monthly Gross Pay | Per Session |
Less than $2000/month | $105 |
$2000 - $4000 / month | $130 |
More than $4000/month | $150 |