Choleric Temperament

This temperament is identified as the most powerful (and destructive) of the temperaments. It is not unreasonable to state that the world’s greatest feared dictators and diabolical criminals were perhaps of the Choleric temperament.
However, when this person truly comes to know Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior, and uses their strengths for the glory of God they make some of the greatest leaders in Christianity.
The Apostle Paul was in my opinion a Choleric. Prior to his conversion on the Damascus Road Paul used his temperament strengths to advance the cause of Judaism, self interest and terrorizing Christians. After Paul’s salvation he soon became the Apostle to the Gentiles.
Paul’s example demonstrates that a person’s spiritual rebirth does not change their temperament. The individual is transformed in the sense of their temperament strengths being used for a different purpose as they feast on the Word of God and grow as a new creation in Christ. The Choleric remains a Choleric before and after their conversion / salvation experience.
It is important to understand that temperament cannot be accuratel assessed just by observation; temperament analysis via the Arno Profile System is necessary to accurately identify a person’s temperament.
Cholerics are extremely tough-willed. When they have made up their minds they rarely if ever change it, even if they are wrong. Cholerics will seldom listen to the advice of anyone else. They want to have total control over themselves and anyone around them.Cholerics are of the opinion and belief that they know what is best for those around them, and what is acceptable behavior according to them. They have a severe problem with anger; “the angry temperament”.
Cholerics have a tendency to seldom express other emotions such as love, tenderness, warmth and compassion. When other people express these emotions they consider them as unnecessary and useless.Cholerics believe that no one else can carry out a task as well as them. They have a tendency to overwork themselves, and are prone to burnout. When carrying out various tasks to accomplish goals they are capable of undertaking any behavior necessary to get it done. Unlike the Melancholy, who is capable of seeing the pitfalls of a project before taking action, Cholerics refuse to see any pitfalls. The Choleric will forge ahead regardless of the cost, the end justifies the means.
The Choleric is extremely self-centered and the needs of others do not matter, they are perfectionistic and even their own flaws are flawless. When they are wrong they will not accept it, their’s is the only way that is correct and matters. Yet, when the Choleric is brought under the authority of Jesus Christ, greatness can be accomplished for the Kingdom of God.
Facts to remember, there are 3 areas of the temperament: Inclusion (social interaction, surface relationships and intellectual energies), Control (decision making abilities, willingness to take on responsibilities, and the need for independence) and Affection (the need for love and affection and for deep personal relationships).
Inclusion Strengths of The Choleric: Being open, friendly, confident, outgoing, optimistic, tough-minded, task oriented, perfectionistic with a good mind for envisioning new projects, and an extrovert of a highly selective nature.
Inclusion Weaknesses of The Choleric: Hot-tempered, a people user, although everyone uses people to some degree, the Choleric in Inclusion “carries the red flag”. They think of themselves as people motivators. They become easily frustrated in their attempts to “motivate” people. They harbor anger and can be cruel and abusive.
Control Strengths of The Choleric: Tough-willed, a good leader, capable of making intuitive decisions, capable of taking on responsibilities, usually done in an efficient, well-disciplined military fashion. They possess the will power to carry through to completion.
Control Weaknesses of The Choleric: Anger, cruelty, capable of undertaking any behavior to keep control. They associate with weak people and then resent their weaknesses. To them, the end justifies the means; so they are capable of very poor behavior. They are highly susceptible to burn out.
Affection Strengths of The Choleric: Being open, optimistic, outgoing, express a great deal of love and affection, and approach only select people for deep relationships.
Affection Weaknesses of The Choleric: Extremely self-centered (although they do not appear this way), indirect behavior, reject people, reject the love and affections of people (they will accept love and affection only according to their terms), are usually cruel to those who reject their manipulation for love and affection.
What a wonderful temperament the Choleric is, when they are submissive to the Lord Jesus Christ. As is with any temperament living in their strengths and not their weaknesses. All things are possible with God, and what a blessing the Choleric can be (living in their strengths and not their weaknesses) for the Kingdom of God. In Hebrews 11: 32-34 we see some good examples from the heroes in the faith.
Are you living with someone who has a Choleric temperament? Get some life tips on how to live with them.
See descriptions of other temperaments:
Melancholy | Supine | Sanguine | Phlegmatic
Learn the history of the Arno Profile System