Is worry or anxiety driving you crazy? Are you overly concerned about things that just don’t seem to burden other people?
- How you look?
- Relationship issues?
- Your children?
- Fear of man
- Fear of the future
- Growing old alone?
- Irrational fears that no one else would understand?
Fear is an emotion that is part of our soul reacting to real or perceived life situations. It’s a normal emotional reaction that we all face but sometimes it can be overwhelming. The question is whether or not it is an “issue” in your life: does it frequently overwhelm your life’s activities? Do you know the root cause of your fear? Is there an inordinate amount of fear and anxiety in your bloodline? We believe it may be an issue if one or more applies:
- Fear or anxiety has been part of your life for a long time.
- Fear, anxiety or worry is significant in your family bloodline.
- Medications have been unsuccessful and a band aid solution at best.
- You have had panic attacks
- Phobias have plagued you.
- Nighttime torment is common.
If one or more applies, then maybe we can help you. You may need some competent Christian counseling help to sort through the issues that are bringing about this anxiety. You may also need deliverance from a stronghold of fear. We can help you!
We encourage you to read the articles and testimonials from people just like you that we have been able to help. Spend some time on the website also to learn more about our resources and services.
We offer appointments in our Florida offices or worldwide via the internet. If you are ready to make an appointment, please contact us to schedule the first session.