Has it ever occurred to you that an ungodly soul tie is what’s giving a spirit of addiction control over your life?
Have you tried to stop using drugs or alcohol without success?
Who was it that offered you that first drink, joint, or pill?
Ungodly soul ties open doors for demons
During deliverance sessions, our clients often experience freedom from spirits of addiction once the ungodly soul tie connected to their drug or alcohol use is broken.
Demonic strongholds of addiction can arise from ungodly bondings (or soul ties) between people. They can form with those who have had ungodly control over you. That is, through guilt, fear or manipulation they were able to get you to do things you would otherwise not do.
Some time ago, a young man, who had gone through one of our deliverance seminars came into the office still complaining of a struggle with addiction. He told me he had tried everything but had no will power to stay away from the drugs. He could not understand what was holding that spirit of addiction in control over his life and why he was not set free during the seminar.
I asked him, “Did you break the ungodly soul tie with the person who gave you your first joint? Did you break the soul ties with the people who supplied you with drugs over the years or the people you partied with?”
His answer was no to all three questions.
I asked him to write down all the names of the people that had influenced or enforced his drug use. I then gave him a proclamation to break these soul ties and left him alone in my office to work through this.
When I came back 15 minutes later, he was ready to be set free.
This time the spirits of addiction left him quickly.
I am happy to report he is no longer struggling with temptation and he is free!
Are you ready to begin your walk to freedom by breaking those soul ties today?
Proclamation to Break Ungodly Soul Ties
Speak aloud, “Thank you Jesus for dying that I might be set free. I forgive and loose, in the freedom of my forgiveness those with whom I have ungodly soul ties. I now break and sever, every ungodly soul tie with (names). I now use the authority I have in Jesus Christ to command all demon spirits to have no further right in me through these relationships in the name of Jesus.”
This is a giant first step in your road to recovery. With addiction, there are many doors that need to be closed, for this client, he had addressed most all except this one.
You can’t counsel demons! They don’t cooperate!
Accountability groups such as “Celebrate Recovery” can be very helpful to staying free, but casting out the spirits associated with addiction is vital to your success.
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