*****This is part 3 of a 5 part series on how to live/coexist/thrive with different temperament types.******
If you have a spouse/child/significant other in close proximity that is predominantly sanguine in temperament, knowing the needs and aspects of this temperament, coupled with a significant amount of grace on your part, can help you survive and indeed thrive! This article gives an overview only; for more information visit this link: Sanguine Temperament.
Sanguines are very social people and have a great need for love and affection. These needs must be met in godly ways so that sinful behaviors do not result!
Things To Know About Sanguines
- They have a high need to be loved and appreciated.
- They are are social beings and have a high need to socialize.
- They require large amounts of physical expression of affection. Touching is very important.
- They need recognition for all achievements and services rendered.
- They are often self-indulgent, which can be acceptable providing they are not entering into an area of sinning against God.
- They do not tolerate a lot of interference when they have taken on areas of responsibility.
- They can have rapidly have mood swing changes from very “high” to very “low. These swings are temperament related–not a symptom of manic depression which is a separate issue.
Things You Should Do (and Not Do!) for Sanguines:
- Give them opportunities to socialize
- If you want to bless your sanguine loved one, give them plenty of affection.
- Do not give assistance to them unless they ask for it!
- Verbal affirmations of “job well done!” are well received
- Physical affection (hugs/kisses) are also valued.
“Issues” That Sanguines Must Typically Address or Learn:
- Learn to recognize anger as anger, and deal with it constructively and in ways pleasing to God. Displays of anger tend to be “loud” but typically short-lived.
- Find life situations where they can interact with people frequently, especially in regard to employment.
- Find life situations (coaching/teaching, etc) where their needs for love and affection can be supplemented. This is especially important if their loved ones are not able to meet the needs
- When forced into life situations where they are away from people, they can lessen their anxiety by talking on the telephone, watching television shows about people, or reading books about people.
- Listen to the radio or television while undertaking tasks. This will cause them to have a feeling of interacting with people, reducing their anxiety and increasing their efficiency.
- Learn to anticipate the end results of their words and actions. This will help lessen their impulsiveness and emotional outbursts.
- Learn not to adopt bad behavior and immorality to gain attention from significant others in their lives. They will be jealous of the time significant others in their life spend with other people.
- Go to Christ to receive the love and affection that is not provided through human means. This will reduce the likelihood of entering into sexual sin to meet that need.
Disclaimer: The discussion above is geared solely towards providing insights into this temperaments needs, strengths and weaknesses. Our temperaments are never an excuse for bad behaviors and we encourage you to seek competent Christian Counseling if you are having individual or relational problems.
Other articles in the series:
Melancholy | Supine | Choleric | Phlegmatic