No one wants to be a doormat, especially for demons!
Doormats get walked all over, they collect the dirt off everyone’s feet and go unnoticed.
Doormats are passive.
Passivity is defined as the acceptance of what happens without active response or resistance. In other words, what you allow will continue, and it will be done to you as it’s done to them via your allowance. (Num. 33:55-56)
If you are laying under the feet of the enemy, then you are in the wrong place! The blood of Jesus paid to put the enemy under your feet, but first, you have to stand up and sit at the table of your inheritance.
The great deceiver will try to flip the tables of truth to seat you at the wrong table! He starts early in childhood years with fear, cowering, and abuse to keep you walking on eggshells. You become the peacemaker fearful of authority and accepting your place the wrong table in life.
What table are you sitting at?

There is a table of the Lord in Psalm 23 that is set for us in the presence of our enemies where we sit with our head anointed with the oil of joy and our cup running over. This is a table of Holy Spirit harvest where we can dine on the fruits of the spirit and not be harassed by the enemy. This is your place of inheritance. Your seat is reserved and paid for in advance.
However, there is also a table where demons dine:
You can’t drink from the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons. You can’t feast at the table of the Lord and feast at the table of demons. (1 Cor. 10:21 TPT)
At this venue, you become the food source. You are the feast, and they cut into you with sharp knives of rejection, isolation, abandonment, and distrust. (Just to name a few)
The word “feast” in this passage also means to participate, which is the Greek word metaecho, or to “echo with.” When you echo or repeat the enemy’s lies, you accept the invitation to the table of demons and become their delicious steak dinner!
Passively sitting back and allowing the torment to continue will end this year the same as last. If you need help to make the shift, get competent pastoral counseling help.Make that first step and call us. Turn the tables on the enemy, shake off the dust from the previous season of a being a doormat, and sit at the table of the Lord in your seat of honor.
Which invitation will you accept?