The declaration of 2 Corinthians 5:17, I believe, is one of the most misinterpreted in the bible: “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!” Counselees we meet with have oft been told that they should not be struggling with some of their issues (maybe perversions, depression, addictions and so on) because they the old has gone! We need to understand that we are a new creation, but is a salvation-reality in part and a prophetic promise in part also!
Because of the sin of Adam, our spirit is born “dead” to God. We are not born in fellowship or connected to God. That is why Jesus Nicodemus in John 3:5, that in order to enter the kingdom of God he must be born again. In v.6,7 he says “Flesh gives birth to flesh and Spirit (the Holy Spirit) gives birth to spirit. You should not be surprised at my saying that you must be born again”. Where your soul spends eternity after it departs is determined by your personal relationship to God (saved or unsaved). You are an eternal being. You determine your own destiny.
You Get A New Spirit Man
A believer’s spirit is “sealed” by the Holy Spirit and our call is now to become disciple and follower of Christ. This involves yielding our will (part of our mind function in the soul) to the Holy Spirit and allow His power to work through us to minister. The Holy Spirit will also transform us into the likeness of Christ, making us “new”, part of the prophetic promise. We also teach that deliverance ministry, gaining freedom from demonic strongholds in our soul, is an important part of this being-made-new process.
As part of the process, Jesus tells us in John 15 that we are to be fruit bearers as evidence of the Holy Spirit at work in us. In Galatians 5:22-23 we learn what the fruits are: love, joy,peace,patience,kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness and self-control.
In summary, when we receive Jesus as our Savior, we are “born again” and adopted into the Father’s family. We receive a new spirit… which is “right” with God but do not get a “born again” body or soul. The Holy Spirit dwells in our Spirit and is our Comforter, Encourager, Teacher and so much more! It is in the soul realm that our problems lie..we need to be transformed/ sanctified into the likeness of Christ and we need to be delivered from demonic torment that exists there!