”In the words of a broken heart
It’s just emotion that’s taken me over
Tied up in sorrow, lost in my soul…” ( The Bee Gees – “Emotions”)
Music is a powerful tool that can be used by demons to control your emotions and invite spirits of depression and rejection in your soul!
Satan has infiltrated our music to reinforce emotional upheaval to feed demonic torment.
He was the angel originally designed for worship, so it follows he would use sound to influence our emotions.
I was surprised how quickly the words from this Bee Gee’s song from came flowing out of me when I heard it on the radio.
I was grateful to recognize what I was singing and I broke the lyrical word curses immediately.
It made me realize that every time we mindlessly sing along a door can open to torment.
I am sure every one of us can think back to a broken relationship and remember a sad song connected to it.
My traumatic break-up song was “Lost in a Masquerade” by The Carpenters.
Every night for weeks after I lost that “first love”, I sat in my room and played that song until I cried myself to sleep, rejected and depressed.
I still associate that song with that time in my life.
Today we have Adele! Her voice is a gift. Her lyrics, however, are filling a new generation’s ears with a sound that will feed spirits of rejection and depression.
I frequently hear clients say:
“I can’t control my emotions they are controlling me!”
“I am an emotional wreck!”
“My past rejections always sabotage my future.”
As Joyce Meyer says, “Think about what you are thinking about!”
For as he thinks within himself, so he is. Proverbs 23:7 NASB
What you meditate on will become a part of you!
Recent research has discovered that we make new neurons in our brain every day. (How to Grow New Neurons in Your Brain; Psychology Today Jan. 11, 2014)
What you meditate on fill those neurons.
That is why the Bible continually encourages us to meditate on the truth!
Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things. Phil 4:8
The enemy knows if we stay focused on God’s word, spirits of rejection and depression will lose their power and flee.
So what lyrics have you sung that may still be feeding spirits of rejection and depression?
2-Steps to Cancel Torment Assigned Through Music
- Break the ungodly soul ties with any musicians that have had a negative emotional impact on you by repeating; ” I cancel every ungodly soul tie between myself and ( name the musicians or groups) in the name and blood of Jesus Christ.
- Break the word curses you have sung over yourself by praying: “I repent for singing songs that have opened a door for demonic torment. I renounce every word curse that I have sung over myself and I command all spirits of rejection and depression that came in through those lyrics to release me now in the name and blood of Jesus Christ.”
This is a powerful 2-step punch! However, it is targeting only one open door the demonic kingdom has used against you. If you are struggling with rejection and depression, it’s time to break those chains and walk free.
Deliverance Counseling is a life-changing third step!
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