Are people close to you calling you an angry man? Your wife, girlfriend or family says you need help, but you are not convinced? You contend that if others would quit pushing your buttons you would be fine.
Coming to grips with the reality of an anger problem is difficult for many men. Some recognize the problem in them but do not know what to do next. I want to share one key to getting victory over anger.
Anger is an emotion that is part of our soul man (the bible tells us we are body, soul and spirit). Anger is not a sin but we are warned not to sin in our anger. We are also not go to bed angry because we can give the demonic realm a foothold (Ephesians 4:26-27). Sadly, out of control anger wreaks havoc and we see many men who desperately need help for this.
As a person grows and matures in the Lord, the bible says that we should be manifesting more good fruit of the Holy Spirit in our lives, including love, joy, peace patience and more (Galatians 5:22-23). Healthy orange trees produce increasing harvests of good fruit and so should it be in Christians.
What if you cannot get the victory in this area? You have done all that you know to do. You attend church, pray, fast, taken medications, read books and had prayer at the altar. Maybe you have counseling for anger, attended anger management classes or tried some techniques (has anyone not heard of the “Just count to 10” admonition?) with limited success.
Most secular approaches to dealing with anger problems focus on addressing the symptoms rather than getting to the root. Cutting off the leaves of a pesky weed will make it look better for a while but eventually the problem reappears.
One Key to Gaining Victory Over Anger
Get to the root behind it!
You may need to seek competent, professional help. We believe that a spiritual answer that invokes the power of Christ and the truths in the bible offers that. If you profess Christ as your Savior then you should seek that help from a competent Christian counselor. The secular world uses secular humanist behavior models rather than the bible and discounts the spiritual realm.
Consider the possibility that you have a demonic stronghold of anger. The demonic realm is real, and it has a plan for your life: to kill, steal and destroy! This may be the root of your torment, and it needs to be pulled out.
Were you a victim of abuse? Unforgiveness is a huge entry point for anger. Is there a history (generational curse) of anger in your bloodline?
Are there times when you feel like a different person when the anger is out of control? Do you sense that it is not you rather something in you that is at work? Have people told you that you become a different person; that your face or eyes look different?
These are indicators of a stronghold of anger in your life, and you need to be delivered from that. All the talk, counseling, medication or rest in the world will not likely bring you peace. Only Jesus and the word of God can set you free!
Are you open to learning more about spiritual warfare, demonic strongholds and how the power of God can move to set you free? If you are unsure, we would like to send you a free report on “Is Christian Counseling Right For You?”.
If you are ready to move ahead to gain victory, We would love to connect with you!