There are a lot of Christians and churchgoers who do not believe in deliverance ministry and avoid discussion of the topic at all costs. Please read the entire post (all the way to the end); this is not one where you should stop halfway!
Even casual use of the term “deliverance” can cause great angst in some quarters and it has various meanings depending upon the audience. In this article, I will use the word to describe the act of driving out demons that the bible speaks of in Mark 16:17.
Driving out demons was one of the signs that Jesus said was to follow his believers but not all are present-day advocates of that view. They have some very good reasons for that decision. I thought I would compile a top ten list, in no particular order (apologies to David Letterman), of why someone should not go through deliverance:
- Deliverance ministry is not for today. Jesus did it, trained the disciples to do it and told the church to do it. But that all ended.
- Christians don’t need deliverance. If someone did have demons they all leave when a person gets saved.
- It’s would be messy and people get crazy, throw up green vomit and their heads might swivel.
- Someone else’s demons might jump on another person so better safe than sorry.
- If a person did get delivered, the demons will come back in and they’ll end up seven times worse.
- Medications will cure most physical, mental and emotional problems.
- God is being glorified through a person’s sickness/torment/affliction/bondage and people should thank Him for it. People just need more faith, good works, fervent prayer or better counseling and God will fix them when and if He’s ready.
- God puts sickness/torment/affliction/bondage on people to teach them a lesson or because of payback for previous sin. When they’ve paid a steep enough price, He may show mercy and they’ll get free. Or maybe not; it’s up to Him and His ways are higher than ours.
- Deliverance ministry is a deception from the devil and people who talk about it, encourage it or do it are being deceived. We don’t want to give the devil any glory!
- Even if it was legitimate, no one out there knows what they are doing. Better just to cope with one’s issues and struggle on until we get to heaven.
If you read this far then hopefully you understand that the preceding ten points are an attempt to to pique your interest in the ministry of deliverance.
They are not teaching points against deliverance! Christians should be involved in the ministry of deliverance and I have heard every point mentioned above used to try to discredit it! I hope you enjoyed the approach and welcome your comments either way!