One of the open doors for demonic torment in a person’s life is the realm of word curses. This is a very broad topic and little understood by most in the Body of Christ. These curses need to be broken in a person’s life so that the associated spirits can be called out with minimal drama and manifestation.
The bible educates us in many places about the power of words (Prov. 18:21, Matt 12:21, James 3 to mention only a few instances). The tongue can be used to bless or curse. Blessings (declarations spoken in agreement with God’s word) activate the Holy Spirit to perform that work. Curses on the other hand, whatever the source, activate the demonic kingdom to carry out that which was spoken.
We believe that one of the great deceptions in the Body of Christ today is that Christians cannot be cursed. Just as with salvation or healing, the provision for being set free from curses has been accomplished by Christ, but it does not happen automatically. The victory must be received or appropriated. The reality is that anyone can put out a curse against someone.
Most people think of word curses as coming from mysterious or obscure sources such as witches, warlocks, satanic/santeria/obeah priests or priestesses and the like. Those are very real and indeed are the source of great torment in many people’s lives. Spirits from word curses that are operating in people’s lives have found an entry point. We have found that these curses need to be broken and the open doors dealt with as part of the deliverance process.
However, our experience, gained over the course of ministering individual and group seminar deliverances to thousands of people, is that the major source of torment from word curses is from a surprising source: people close to them! Most of the curses operating in people’s lives have come from mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, teachers, coaches, girlfriends, boyfriends, spouses and ex-spouses!
Word Curses From Friends and Family
How does this dynamic work? As an illustration, a mother can start telling her little child that “he is stupid”. He doesn’t receive that however a spirit of stupidity can be assigned to that little boy and start following him around and putting thoughts to do stupid things in his mind.
Over time, and especially if the word curse is repeated regularly, he keeps doing stupid things and one day may just accept and believe the “truth” of that curse spoken by his mother. At that point, the spirit of stupidity has a legal right because he believes what was spoken and enters into that little boy and operates in his life. Only deliverance from that spirit of stupidity will free him.
What are examples of these types of curses?
“You’ll never be successful”
“No man will ever want you”
“Your marriage is going to fail”
“You’re going to get killed in that car”
These are just a few of the hundreds of examples we have seen.
In a similar fashion, people can speak death over themselves using such words as “I’m a failure”, “I’ll never get a job”, “I’m ADD” and so on. The fact that in the tongue is the power of life and death makes it clear that it is a spiritual weapon to be used for great life and blessing or for death and destruction.
When the curse is broken, and unforgiveness towards the perpetrator is dealt with, as well as dealing with any ungodly soul ties, the person can be delivered from spirits associated with word curses.
Praise God for the power and authority we have in Christ. Greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world! Jesus has given us authority over the demonic realm to drive out demons (Mark 16:17) and we can also resist them so that we may stay on the narrow road that leads to life!