Many Christians have a heart to minister to the physical and spiritual needs of the homeless. We have met with ministry leaders in this area and many believe that some portion of homeless people would benefit from deliverance ministry. Many are on the streets not of their own choosing but because of torment in their lives that has driven them there.
We know that this will be an important area of ministry in the days ahead and the Lord has already opened doors there. We have begun to partner with two other Tampa-based ministries that provides services to the homeless so that deliverance ministry can be included as one of the services they will offer. Follow-up and discipleship are important considerations and that infrastructure is being developed. We know that there will be good fruit coming from that and will keep you posted.
In April of 2009, Above & Beyond Counseling Center was invited to host a group “Released to Soar” Deliverance Seminar for the staff and some ministry/church members at the St. Pete Dream Center. This ministry deals with the homeless in St. Petersburg, FL and provides a variety of services and programs. The link to their website is below: