Are your children afraid of you?
Do you lose your patience quickly and blow up at minor interruptions?
Do you resent the burdens associated with parenting?
The responsibilities you are handling today as a mother, wife, career woman, and daughter can be quite overwhelming.
Trying to keep all the balls in the air at one time while walking on a scheduling tight rope can make any woman a stress case!
But that pressure is bleeding out into your children.
Your anger rooted in resentment and impatience is creating an environment of fear that has everyone walking on eggshells around you.
Anger shatters a foundation of trust for your children because they don’t know what will set you off.
It makes you unstable ground to them and that instability is creating insecure children.
You are either a safe place that they can come to for love and nurturing or a fearful place that is threatening.
The purpose of this blog is not to make you feel guilty and condemned but to give you hope!
To be honest with you, I was the frazzled and stressed out mom I just described. My children called me “the mean mommy.” I was afraid they would grow up to hate me because of my impatience and anger.
Thankfully, surrendering my life fully to Jesus Christ and going through deliverance helped take back what the enemy had stolen from us.
Now the words I hear are, “You are the best mom in the world.”
With God things can change for you quickly.
The enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy, BUT Jesus came to bring us life so that we could live it to the fullest. The last half of that scripture in John 10:10 is what I like to focus on.
4- Steps to Help You Take Back What Anger Has Stolen
- Always begin with repentance and confession for your anger. God knows your heart and he wants you and your children free. Pray: “Father, I confess that I have not always been loving toward my children, and I have suffered from anger at times, I repent for this behavior and ask for your forgiveness.”
- Break any word curses you have spoken in anger over your children: “I repent for, and break every word curse spoken in anger over my children in the name and blood of Jesus Christ.” If name calling has been a part of this cursing, break the word curses that refer to those names (Idiot, stupid, dumb, slow).
- Break the ungodly soul ties between you and your children that were formed not in love, but in fear from anger. Pray: ” I break the ungodly soul tie between myself and (your children’s names), and (names) and myself, in the name and blood of Jesus Christ.”
- Declare and decree daily the scripture found in Isaiah 32:18: “I declare and decree that my family lives in a peaceful habitation, in a quiet and secure resting place.” God is faithful he will send a host of angels on your behalf to establish his word in your heart and in your home.
These steps are a great starting point, but if you have noticed anger escalating it is time to seek a trained Christian counselor that can help you. Check out our testimonials; we’ve been able to help many deal with unrestrained anger. If you have a webcam and internet connection you are not too far away!
Your children love you. If you won’t do it for yourself, then take the time to do it for them. Your mental health, good or bad, is the seed for their future.