I recently went through the “Released to Soar” Deliverance Seminar. I was enlightened on many levels during this seminar especially in the area of “word curses”.
During the ministry time on Saturday, Phyllis asked me about any word curses being spoken over my life. I had given this considerable thought during the homework portion of the seminar and could not remember anything of that nature happening to me.
Phyllis and Don during their teaching said it was not expected that we would remember everything but if it was something that we needed to address the Holy Spirit would help us to discern spiritual activity in any particular area.
So on Saturday when Phyllis asked the question about word curses over me, I immediately said “no” and Phyllis continued to intercede for me. As she did, I suddenly got a light bulb moment from the Holy Spirit on two things.
- I was always called the “smart” one in my family. Therefore, I pretty much thought I had to be “perfect” and get everything right the first time because of course I was “Smart” and had to live up to the title. I didn’t realize that something which seems so positive could actually boomerang into a stronghold of perfectionism.
- I’m left-handed. Not a problem until I went to first grade and had my teacher lambast me the entire year on not holding the paper at the ‘right’ slant, not forming letters and numbers correctly, not holding the pencil the proper way. After that I became super sensitive to all the comments made about lefties: “you’re backwards”, “you’re holding that knife wron”, “you’re going to stab yourself with those scissors”, etc. I grew up feeling paranoid about being left-handed.
- Surely, “I would leave my head somewhere if it wasn’t screwed on to my body” (another downer about being left-handed, it also made you absent-minded and little clumsy!) Most lefties can probably attest to being told similar things most of their life and not consciously connect that to why they may behave or think the way they do.
Again, I never considered that these were “word curses” over my life had had a negative impact on the way I thought and did things. The revelation of it was so powerful, I begin to cry as I shared it with Phyllis and told her what the Holy Spirit had revealed to me. I can truly say I received some much needed deliverance and healing in those two areas. I now remind myself when I want to cross every “T” and dot every “I” that I simply have to do my best and God will perfect the rest. I have been released to soar!