What issues were you dealing with? Be specific.
I was tormented by occultic demonic spirits, both in my mind and in my body after a high level satanist put a curse on me through a so called acupuncture treatment from over 4 years ago.
How where they affecting you?
My body was totally defiled…supernatural weight gain, deformities of the bones in my face and feet, supernatural hair loss, burns, bruises, scratches, horrific sounds in my home–poltergeist like activity; personal items in my house disappearing and the list goes on! Please stay away from acupuncture!
What changes have you seen?
The Above and Beyond Released to Soar seminars have assisted through the Holy Spirit a lot of victory and freedom in my mind from demonic spirits, supernatural weight loss healing, the bones in my face are healing overnight since the intercessors laid hands on me a few days ago from the last seminar, I am still getting MAJOR deliverance at night which is when the Holy Spirits heals me, and most importantly Don and Phyllis have made it very clear to me the importance of forgiveness…and that it is a free will decision from the heart..and a very necessary part of getting the healing and deliverance I have so desperately needed for 4 years.
This ministry is POWERFUL and heavily armed and anointed for freeing the captives from torment…both physically and in the mind! The devil is a defeated foe and a LIAR! When Phyllis laid hands on me at the seminar during healing, a huge pressure came up out of my head! It was demonic spirits manifesting and they had to LEAVE! This ministry offers healing via the Holy Ghost in a very “above board”, peaceful, respectful and highly organized and effective environment.
Other Comments
This is the top deliverance ministry that I have found in Florida. Occultic spirits are the most vile and the most stubborn/horrific to contend with..but Above & Beyond Christian Counseling is unique in that you get to have continuous prayer by several intercessors for 4 hours and all of that Faith and anointing being prayed over everyone for that long really drives the demons out and into dry places because they CAN NOT STAND being around all of that Faith and LOVE!