A number of our counseling and deliverance ministry clients are on prescribed medications to help them deal with anxiety, depression and mood/behavior swings. Many ask how we handle psychotropic medications in deliverance ministry.
They ask if they should go off their medications. We answer with a resounding, “No!”
Some have been on pharmaceutical drugs for years and have concluded that these are bandaid solutions at best. A tiny minority are satisfied with the results, but most recognize that the problems have a spiritual, not medical, root which leads them to seek pastoral counseling help.
Deliverance ministry is the driving out of demons (Mark 16:17). Our approach is to prepare the client with teaching and homework assignments to maximize the effectiveness of the ministry session which happens during the fourth time together. Some are concerned that the medications will somehow hinder the process, and we take care to assure them that it will not be affected.
Psychiatric medications frequently have side effects, including drowsiness, lethargy, apathy and a general lack of awareness and attentiveness that can hinder effective counseling and deliverance sessions. We believe that the person being ministered to should be an active and willing participant and engage in the process. Medications can work to hinder the effectiveness of deliverance specifically, and we proactively work to counter this.
We Bind Up The Effects Of Psychotropic Medications.
When we sit down in front of the person to begin a deliverance session, we hold their hand and look into their eyes, the window to the soul. If the person is on medication, we begin by simply declaring, “In the name of Jesus I bind up the effects of the medication ‘Mary’ is on. These medications will not hinder this deliverance. You demons cannot hide behind the medications, and you will come out as you are called out, in Jesus name”.
We believe this proclamations to the demons (based upon Matt. 16:19) nullifies the ability of spirits to hide behind the medications. As part of the initial instructions, we also tell each person to agree in their mind with what we are praying or calling out so that the spirits cannot hide behind a person’s will.
How do we know that this is effective? We do the declaration by faith, believe, and then look for manifestations during deliverance and expect good fruit of the Spirit to manifest in the days and weeks to follow. It can take up to six weeks to see the full benefit although many see some positive changes right away.
Christian counseling, discipleship and effective deliverance ministry can help to usher in the fullness of healing that Jesus has provided for us! We are confident that binding up the effects of the medications and telling the demons that they cannot hide behind them helps to loose the full power of God upon them!
If you are already ministering in deliverance, how do you deal with people on psychiatric medications? If you have received ministry while on medications, what has been the effect for you?