It’s always a faith builder when you are praying deliverance for small children. I pray for a lot of people and the spirits go the way they came in. If they came in with tears you will have a client that cries through the whole prayer. It’s interesting, but somewhere in your mind you tend to wonder, was that an emotional release or was that inner healing tears flowing or was it a spirit leaving. With adults it’s not always easy to tell. With kids it’s amazing. I had a 4 year old come in for prayer recently. He was giving his parents a real run for their money at home with defiance problems.
They had both gone through the deliverance teachings and prayer, were very aware of how to break generational curses, set firm boundaries and discipline, and yet they could not control their four year old! They knew it was spiritual because his tones were clearly violent and escalating. Both parents came in with the child and brought with them a journal of concerns. They shared that they were worried about the safety of their younger son. I talked with each of them separately and then watched the child play in the toy room. It was clear that something was not right. It’s always funny what will come out of a child’s mouth when you are with them.
This little boy just started sharing all the things we wanted to know. He was clear on one thing, “I do not want you to pray for me!” I thought this was pretty amazing because we hadn’t suggested that yet. His parents told me that this kind of thing happens…he had told them not to do that binding and loosing prayer…that he didn’t like that. They had also tried putting scriptures up on his bedroom wall. Even though he could not read, he insisted that they come off the wall immediately. There was oviously a spirit talking through this little one.
The parents clearly prepared for their son’s deliverance prayer and this little boy was as sweet as he could be during the session. But when we got to calling out a spirit of murder and violence he started choking. His face turned beat red…I just kept commanding it to go in Jesus name…over and over and very gently. He coughed and it finally left. Everyone in the room had to keep their mouths from hitting the floor.
But we gathered later, and I asked them, “Did anyone ever choke your son” Spirits often leave the way they came in. They had had some concerns about a daycare playmate that had abnormal defiance issues…and that is when they told me he had cornered their son in daycare and tried to choke him. We had broken the ungodly soul tie with that friend, so when we called that spirit out it went.