Before my journey began, I was in a state of despair and had an urgency to seek God’s assistance through counseling. I was utterly against seeking secular assistance and knew that God’s way was my way. I searched and found Above and Beyond.
My struggles had to do with a life shattering addiction. Not my own addiction but one that has plagued my family for three generations: my grandfather, my father and now my own family. Alcoholism has stolen, killed and destroyed so much of my family’s lives. I have always feared that my children would suffer this addictive fate and now that they are getting older my fears are being revealed.
Unless you have lived it you cannot know the devastation of having a family member consumed by an addiction. And the addiction of the person is only one aspect of devastation. Every person the addict comes in contact with is affected. The loved ones most of all.
During my counseling experience I learned and discovered many things. For most of my adult life, I have been aware of the devil and his demons that are at work night and day. And frankly I have been scared in knowing of their existence for quite some time. I have studied the bible through the years but have never sought to study the devil or his demons. Who would want to?
But in studying the Word you cannot ignore that the devil and demons are mentioned throughout. No one seems to acknowledge this however. No one wants to discuss there is a spiritual world in the heavenly realms. Ephesians 6:12 is one verse that mentions this. If we could see what we are battling the playing field would be a little more fair.
Through Above and Beyond I have learned how to battle for me and my family. I claim the power I have over the forces of evil through the mighty name of Christ Jesus! Jesus is all powerful not the devil and not his demons. I pray daily that the strong holds and the spiritual forces that are attacking my family are bound and will not be at work in my life or in the lives of my family. I pray in the name of Jesus!
My counseling sessions are over but my struggles are not. My family and I will always have the struggles that accompany years and years of addiction. What do I have now that I did not have before? I am equipped, empowered and zealous to battle for me and my family.
I mentioned above that I had a fear in knowing of the existence of the devil and his demons. Now that I have been delivered from fear, I am not fearful but am quite mad. This mom, daughter and wife wants back what was stolen and destroyed and is prepared and equipped for battle!
I also want to mention that my counselor, Phyllis, shined a love on me that my heart ached for. As a woman of God she was able to nurture me, embrace me with God’s love and she prayed over me and my family in such a manner that leaves me in awe to this day. Phyllis was able to love me not with her love but with the love of Jesus. Jesus poured through her and into me. Those prayers I received during counseling are so precious to me and I could not be more grateful and appreciative for her willingness to be a vessel and for the love of Jesus to cover over me.
Thank you so much!!!