Jesus tells us in Matthew 7:13-14 that the gate to destruction is wide and the road is broad. However, the gate to life (Him!) is small and the road to life is narrow. A narrow road to life is not incompatible in any way with God’s grace and mercy any more than staying on a mountain highway is restrictive! What are some warning lights that flash if we are veering off God’s road? The list below is compiled from some of the information we gather during our initial appointment with counselees who seek help in our Center:
- Not spending time in God’s word. The bible is, among other things, God’s playbook for life and we ignore it at great peril. Praying to God is good but not enough; that is typically a one-way conversation for many. The number one way God speaks to us is through His word.
- Not in a good Spirit-filled, Bible-believing, Word-preaching church. Sorry, but watching your favorite tele-preacher/teacher is not enough. Really. We are sheep and sheep need to be in a (healthy) herd to survive and thrive.
- Isolation/no accountability. Lone rangers are in great danger of being deceived. God speaks to us; our own flesh (mind) speaks to us and so does the demonic realm. Sometimes people need help to sort out the voices. Using the herd analogy again, watch a nature show and see who the herd of lions tries to attack? They don’t have much success on the main body but work to isolate an animal and then they gang up on it. Dinner is served…
- No/improper boundaries. If you have a hard time saying no and are always saying yes to people then your life is likely out of control in many areas. You are in great spiritual danger because proper boundaries, especially with loved ones, are crucial to a blessed life.
- A “God is my co-pilot” mentality. The bible says that we can do all things as God strengthens us. So many people burn out or get stressed out because they don’t see things happening or God helping them in the way they think He should. The bible teaches that a believer’s life should be one of yieldedness and walking by faith and not by sight. We need to believe that the Lord of the Bible knows best and has a good plan for our life if we will allow Him to work. If God is your co-pilot, change seats and let him be in charge.
An important component of our ministry is in the area of deliverance and, in the final session, we show people how to stay free and how to engage in spiritual warfare and personal disciplines so they can grow in the Lord and also be prepared for when the spirits seek to return to the house. There are certainly other warning indicators but the five above are very common in people we see who come to us because of turmoil and trauma in their lives.
Just as with warning signs in the natural, it is better to heed them when we see them rather than suffer the consequences because of lack of action. If you feel that you’ve driven off into the ditch (or worse), contact us or get help somewhere so you can be restored and resume the journey on the narrow road that leads to life!