Are you still weighed down under holiday oppression from hurt feelings?
That yoke of bondage can feel heavier than eating the entire Christmas turkey!
It’s time to take off some of that spiritual weight and allow the joy of the Lord to be your strength!
What offense are you chewing on that has lost its flavor and left you bitter?
Maybe you got lost in the fantasy of a perfect Christmas, and then someone came to dinner, snapped at you, and left you feeling depressed and rejected.
Or, something from your past came up to destroy your credibility and throw stones at your walk with God. Family history being regurgitated at the dinner table is part of basic spiritual warfare training. The button-pushers are usually the ones closest to you.
Whatever it was that hurt your feelings, it’s time to stop nursing spirits of rejection, abandonment, depression, and self-pity. They are not your friends, but they want to be your life-long partners, and they will stay if you continue to feed them!
Pretending the hurt is not real will not make it go away! Here is the reality:
- Fact 1: Your pain is real!
- Fact 2: They should have known better.
- Fact 3: What they did or said was wrong!
Feel better? Good, now let’s put some healing balm on it.
Shed the Spiritual Heaviness
- Forgive them. Your emotions aren’t agreeing with that, are they? Good news! Forgiveness is not based on your feelings. It’s based on your desire to drop the debt of offense and be free from the torment. Think of this way-it’s a selfish act that gets you out from under their bad behavior. While you meditate on their sin, a spirit of bitterness begins injecting its toxins, to rot you from the inside out. Forgive them quickly, or you will end up in worse shape than your offender.
- Release Judgment. When you judge those judging you-you get judged! That road following Jesus is very narrow! You don’t need to self-defend your position any longer by rationalizing your hurt feelings. They are real, it was wrong, but the judging must stop. Your offender has some baggage, but so do you. Drop the judgment, so you won’t be judged.
- Break the soul ties and renounce any ungodly vows. Anyone that has power over your emotions in a negative way is an ungodly soul tie. This bonding may have led you to murmur things like: “I will never let anyone get that close to me again!” Vows that begin with “I will never,” or “I will always”are perpetual promises. Repent from these soul ties and vows and sever them with the blood of Jesus Christ.
- Pray a blessing over your offender. When you do this, it will reveal to you God’s perspective of that person. His love for them will seal the deal of healing your heart.
No one wants to carry the weight of hurts and wounds into 2017. If you can’t do it alone, then give us a call. We can be the trainers that help you drop that weight and get back in shape!
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