You have a problem, and you need help. Maybe you have a loved one in a desperate situation.
You’ve pursued different options looking for answers: counseling, pastoral visits, conferences, maybe secular help, support groups or medications.
You’re almost at the end of your rope someone has suggested you consider deliverance ministry.
Maybe you have heard the term but are unclear about how it all works.
Does the word “deliverance ministry” conjure up specific images or thoughts in your mind?
Do you think about that strange, unnerving video you saw on TV or YouTube? Maybe people in a church setting were being yelled at, prayed over and were soon rolling around on the floor?
Have you read articles or testimonies from people who claimed to have been helped through deliverance ministry? The possibility of help for you or a loved one is intriguing, but you need more information to decide.
In this article, we want to cover eight important aspects of deliverance ministry that you absolutely need to know