One of my more memorable counseling/deliverance clients was a man who had been through two marriages and is current one was failing for the same reason: he had anger “issues”. Meeting in our Tampa office, he gave me a lot of information during the first interview session.
He was very open to deliverance ministry because prior therapies had not been effective. I took him through the two teaching sessions and he came in for the appointed deliverance appointment on session four.
The process went fairly smoothly as we called out spirits down our list of strongholds. Our approach is to follow a structured format which results in us calling out lots of demon spirits; many more names than most people envision. Of course, the clients do not have all these spirits but we like to be thorough and not bounce around or depend upon happenstance to nail all the culprits.
A Spirit of Murder Manifested When It Left
We sit in front of the client, knee to knee, typically holding their hand and looking into their eyes to call out spirits (the eyes are the windows to the soul (Matt. 6:22-23,)). When I called out the spirit of murder (which neither he nor I identified during our interview process), he suddenly doubled over in great pain and there was a great yell as I straightened him back up, looked into his eyes, and commanded that spirit of murder to go. And it did!
After the session concluded quite successfully, he shared with me about an incident in one of his earlier marriages. During a particularly physical altercation with his then-wife, he remembers straddling her shoulders with his knees and literally trying to choke her to death. He says it was by the grace of God that he stopped before it was too late. I believe that either at that time, or possibly prior, a spirit of murder entered him during this fit of rage and turmoil. It was again by the grace of God through the years that he not killed someone else (and there had been opportunities in assorted bar room altercations) because that spirit was active in him.
The spirit of anger left him also during the ministry session and he left my office a much cleaner man. The peace of God was upon him and that part of his life (the anger, rage and murder) was gone.
Anger management courses can be helpful in learning some techniques but if a person truly has a spirit of anger operating in their life, all the counseling or techniques known to man will not bring lasting freedom. Spirits cannot be counseled out of people; they must be cast out. If you, or someone you know, are dealing with uncontrollable anger, seek out effective deliverance ministry and see what God does!