7. You Cannot Counsel Demons Out Of People
Deliverance ministry is usually one of the last courses of action people pursue when seeking help.
They will try medications. They will meet with the pastor. They will read books and attend conferences. Some will visit a counselor and a portion will even want a Christian counselor.
At Above & Beyond, we contend that the word of God, coupled with the transforming power of the Holy Spirit, represents the best hope to bring lasting change. You probably feel the same way or you would not be reading this article!
It is important to address two extreme positions that exist in the Body of Christ today.
One camp sees a demon behind every problem and spends much time binding and rebuking. Those people are generally pretty miserable and are worn out from all the spiritual warfare that they believe is part of their lot in life.
Another group, much larger, does not believe that the demonic realm has power at all and that all you have to do is ignore them. After all, Jesus defeated the kingdom of darkness on the Cross, and they are all under our feet. Unlike the first category, people here do not recognize the influence of the demonic realm when it is literally upon them and fall easy prey to destruction. The thief comes to kill, steal and destroy and God laments in Hosea 4:6 “my people perish for lack of knowledge”.
This group will invest time, energy and resources in all sorts of hopeful solutions but ignore the reality of the present-day activity of the demonic realm.
You cannot counsel demons out of people. They must be driven out, either sovereignly by the Holy Spirit or by the active ministry of a bible-believing, Spirit filled believer who will do the work of ministry! If you have seen minimal sustained benefit from counseling efforts in the past, what do you have to lose by getting help from a competent deliverance minister.
When the demons are gone, the torment in the soul is gone, and people are in a much better position to receive and act upon biblical counsel.