The question “Where is that in Scripture?” can come from inquiring minds who are trying to understand or religious minds who are looking for an excuse to reject what you have to say. We encounter both mindsets as we try to explain how and why we do the things we do specifically in the ministries of counseling and deliverance.
Make no mistake: for our ministry, the Bible is the ultimate and final authority. Truths in the Word of God are non-negotiable for us. As it relates to the practice itself, we are able to scripturally defend positions that deliverance ministry is valid for the church and is for today.
There are many other areas however that are not spelled out clearly in a particular passage and for that we must interpret the Bible in light of itself, line upon line, precept upon precept (Isaiah 28:10).
We are occasionally asked why we don’t cast out demons like Jesus did. Our ministry process is certainly much different than Jesus approach! He seemed to simply come to people (or people came to him), laid hands on them and called out spirits! Quite frankly, we would love to minister deliverance in this way because it would be quicker and easier but we truly! However, we believe the Lord has given us different marching orders and a way that is thorough and effective.
For many questions that we receive asking for scriptural support for a certain view or practice, we are quite candid in saying that there is not a specific verse to point to. For some, that is a troubling answer because they believe every viewpoint or practice needs to be supported by (a) scripture. For that matter, where is it in Scripture that dictates how church services should be structured? What scripture supports the practice of “taking” an offering as opposed to leaving a basket at the back of the church?
The reality is that in so many areas pastors and leaders interpret the bible as best they can and do the best they can to facilitate God’s presence and power. Most are also willing to accommodate any changes He would want to make in any of their practices and so it is with us!
We do not want to be in error but we utilize processes and teachings that are neither inerrant nor infallible and are indeed subject to review and refinement as we gain more insight. For example, we get questioned about certain names of spirits, why we pray or minister in a certain way and these are certainly fair if they come from a point of wanting to gain understanding. We’ve gotten proficient at discerning naysayers and opponents of deliverance ministry and have little to offer them except God’s confirming Word in this area!
The reality is that, in our ministry approach, very little of what we do from a tactical point of view can be directly supported by one or two scriptures. The ministry of deliverance is supported and for us that is key; and we do the best we can with the knowledge and revelation as the Lord gives it to us. We minister from a position of love and authority in the Word and power of the Holy Spirit as best as we are able and are careful to avoid wacky teachings or actions that are harmful.
Even though we have ministered to thousands of people, we are very upfront in stating that we do not profess to be experts or know all there is to know in the arena of deliverance. We too are students and gaining understanding as the Lord reveals new things to us and as we discard or minimize “facts” we might have previously held dear.