Education and Training
Christian Counseling and Deliverance Ministry

You are on the Counseling Center website, which describes our capabilities and experience in providing Christian Counseling and Deliverance Ministry services to clients worldwide.
Above & Beyond also includes a Counseling Academy which focuses on Christian counseling degrees and NCCA licensing as well as a Deliverance Academy which contains our deliverance ministry training resources.
- Christian Counseling Degrees (Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctoral level) for students with a minimum High School Diploma or accredited degree in any other discipline.
- Self-paced, home study programs (online and/or hardcopy materials) that are very affordable compared to other offerings.
- All tracks include concurrent Pastoral Counselor licensing through the National Christian Counselors Association.
- To learn more, visit our Counseling Academy website.
- Deliverance Ministry Training. Our online Boot Camp course will train you in the same methodologies and processes our counselors utilize in the Counseling Center. It is a gentle, effective and thorough five-step process and we provide all that you need to begin your own deliverance ministry.
- Minister Deliverance to Children. We have adapted the Boot Camp process to train you to minister to children.
- Spiritual warfare and educational videos and manuals
- Our “Released to Soar” Deliverance Seminar complete on video.
- We have helped thousands of clients and seminar attendees since 2001 and you can learn our approach.