For years I have felt oppressive forces working against me. Many times like “black clouds,” they would descend on my head, covering me like a black garment as though triggered by some unknown reason. [Read more…]
Deliverance from Anger, Bitterness, and a Condemning Spirit of Judgment
I lived my entire life of fifty years with an overburdened sense of duty. I tried to force people to see things my way and force them to do what I thought was right. I believed I was doing this “for God”,. This critical attitude was shaped by a childhood of being loved for doing “the right thing”. [Read more…]
Freedom from Exhibitionism and Homosexuality
“…I know that all Christians are tempted. The apostle Paul probably best described the plight for most of us when he wrote, “the things I don’t want to do are the very things I do!”
For me, that temptation began when I was homosexually molested as a young boy. As the abuse continued through my early teen years, I began a pattern of behavior, thoughts and attitudes that led me to a suicide attempt at 16. Though I am married, I felt almost powerless against the drive toward homosexual relationships. [Read more…]
Deliverance Seminar Mini-Testimonials
Below are “mini-testimonials” from “Released to Soar” Deliverance Seminar attendees.
“I would like to say how much this seminar helped me…not only did I discover many things about myself, I know I had demons which are gone now…things that I’ve tried to work on for years in three days came to pass. I plan to attend again because I know I still need help in certain areas of my life…I thank God for letting me find a way to get help…I will always thank the ministry for their help and the personal concern for my problems..God Bless and I hope other people will attend and find healing in their life… prayers are with you….”
“…I’m feeling very very very blessed by your seminar and the deliverance I received. I’ve been praying the morning prayers and the evening prayers and they’ve helped me a lot. I feel much lighter and more in tune to God’s voice. Thank you for everything! God bless you….“
….“I’m doing GREAT thank GOD, thank you and your team for being obedient to GOD’s call in your lives in helping others understand the battle we’re in and that we can find deliverance thruogh CHRIST JESUS thanks again may God continue to bless and protect each and everyone on your team and family. JESUS name amen”….
“…. I thought all this (deliverance) was hocus pocus type stuff but after reading a couple of books on warfare I could sense the truth in things. I also suffered from fear of men because of what I went through as a child and then was raped by three men in one night. It caused a fear in me towards all men when it came to my children. And I was obsessed with every little detail to keep my daughters safe. After deliverance I let that go and began to have more faith in Abba. My faith really grew. My home is finally getting some peace. It had peace before but not this kind of peace….”
Deliverance From Anger & Fear
I have not experienced any anger that I can remember since my deliverance… and it has been tested! I realized it when my sons dispersed about 5 pounds of rice all over our school room at the absolute worst time possible. [Read more…]