[Internet] Freedom From Controlling Soul Tie and Occult Immersion
I suffered much confusion during my marriage and after the death of my husband of 30 years. How did I, an independent sort of person, get roped into that? How did he manage to make me feel so responsible for his health issues? [Read more…]
RTS Seminar: Freedom from Fear (PTSD), Depression, Self-Destruction and Mental Torment
From January 7 to January 18, 2013 I was in a deep spiritual comma where ending my life was the only way out that I saw. After a year of a traumatic event in my life, and a lifetime of generational curses, those were two weeks of constant torture of the mind, not eating, not sleeping, not resting. The thought of suicide was always present, always weighing down on me, always. The spirit of suicide is extremely heavy and so I was not living, but simply existing. [Read more…]
Testimony: Freedom from Confusion, Mind-binding, Guilt and Shame
I was at a very low point in my life when I came to Above & Beyond. My boyfriend of over three years had broken the bond of trust in the most intimate way, again.
When I was younger, I watched my father have an affair with another woman—an affair that led to a child being conceived. [Read more…]
RTS Seminar Testimony: New Clarity and Confidence
The two changes I can see after the seminar/deliverance are:
Often, when praying, I have a sense of directness to the throne room in a way I have never experienced before. I believe my spirit now has (a better) access to the throne room than ever before. With that sense in my spirit man of direct access to the throne there is a sense of confidence that I am being heard. As you can imagine that does and will continue to have positive ramifications in my (prayer) life!
I am very quick now to catch thoughts and to thoroughly understand and tell myself “I can’t afford to go there”. I am taking thoughts captive.