I grew up around the church but spent most of my life pushing Christ away. I hit rock bottom after my divorce in 2006. God allowed me to come to the end of myself and through the pain of my divorce I was convicted of my sin. I got down on my knees and asked for God’s forgiveness. [Read more…]
Freedom From Unforgiveness and Bitterness After Adultery
See other “Success Stories“
RTS Seminar Attendee Testimonial: Freedom From Grief, Unforgiveness and Bitterness
I would like to share my experience at a recent “Released to Soar” Deliverance seminar; I hope you will be encouraged enough to attend one! Originally, when I came upon the Above & Beyond Counseling ministries website, I thought about a family member needing deliverance and volunteered to come along. Little did I know, I too needed ministry in this area. [Read more…]
Deliverance From Anger and a Family Background of Voodoo
I’ve been a christian for over 10 years and was doing pretty much everything was I supposed to do, going to church, praying and fasting…I would find peace at the time of prayer, but it wouldn’t last and I fell right back into the many struggles I was praying about. [Read more…]
RTS Seminar Testimony: New Clarity and Confidence
The two changes I can see after the seminar/deliverance are:
Often, when praying, I have a sense of directness to the throne room in a way I have never experienced before. I believe my spirit now has (a better) access to the throne room than ever before. With that sense in my spirit man of direct access to the throne there is a sense of confidence that I am being heard. As you can imagine that does and will continue to have positive ramifications in my (prayer) life!
I am very quick now to catch thoughts and to thoroughly understand and tell myself “I can’t afford to go there”. I am taking thoughts captive.