“I just don’t care anymore!”
“I give up!”
“I am bored.”
“If I finish this blog, no one will read it anyway!”
If you are speaking these words, they are an indication that a spirit of apathy is working overtime to steal your promises from God and leave you hopeless.
Apathy is an ugly spirit that co-labors with boredom to wear down your resolve to leave you hopeless. It’s like weed killer on your favorite house plant that is being poured out of your mouth. What comes to kill, steal, and destroy uses your tongue as a lethal weapon.
I see it all the time with the young people that come in. If they have to wait for anything, they become restless, bored, and impatient. They give up quickly because they are the microwave generation of instantaneous gratification. They never learned how to wait so they even get agitated when a text response takes too long.
But for older folks who remember snail mail, and waiting weeks for an answer, impatience is replaced by weariness in the waiting. Weariness distances you from your promise, and it begins to feel like a hopeless memory that now looks impossible.
Stop right there!
Nothing is impossible with God! Just don’t give up!
I sense that 2020 is the year of breakthrough! I have personally seen in one day a situation bathed in prayer for almost 20 years completely turn around.
Apathy Reports to a Strongman of Slumber
Apathy is part of the slumber stronghold, which includes isolation, indifference, laziness, sluggishness, daydreaming and confusion. During deliverance sessions, this is the stronghold that wants clients to quit and give up. They often hear, “This isn’t going to work, just forget it.”
A spirit of dread that visits you when you first wake up will activate a stronghold of slumber. It gets you to say things like;
“I wish I could just stay in bed.”
“I wish I didn’t’ have to face this day.”
“I just want to sleep.”
These are invitations to spirits of slumber that will bind you to your bedroom. Your agreement gives them the legal right to saturate you in an apathetic, lazy mood that keeps you from moving forward. What usually follows is depression.
Break the Grip of Apathy
- Begin by breaking any word curses inspired by apathy, boredom, hopelessness, and weariness by declaring: “I repent and cancel every legal right I have given to the demonic realm with my words that have invited in spirits of apathy, boredom, hopelessness and weariness specifically (speak out anything you have voiced to invite these spirits in) I now sever the assignment of these word curses and command these spirits to loose me now in the name of Jesus Christ.
- Write down the dreams and promises that God gave you that have not come to pass and ask God to provide you with a baby step to reignite these dreams.
- Write a vision statement that will remind you who you are in Christ and set the demonic realm on notice. An excellent book to help with this is the “Power of Vision” by Myles Monroe. I purchased this book in 2014, followed its instructions, and watched God dust off dreams of a TV show now on YouTube, start and finish my Ph.D. and write a book all within 3 years. Andrew Wommack’s book, “Don’t Limit God” was also instrumental in my revived hope to get past an apathetic slump.
Don’t give one more day to the demons that weigh you down with apathy. It’s time to take a 2020 view of your dreams and become fruitful in your land of promise.
Of course, if you need help, we are just an intake form away from your first session!