I had a client say that to me recently, “I am sure you have seen this same thing a thousand times before and I am just like everyone else that comes in for counseling.” I told her part of that statement was correct.
The plans and schemes of the demonic kingdom are not that unique. What they do works quite effectively so why change? But I also told her, that God uniquely made each one of us and that she was uniquely important to God.
One of the major agendas the enemy uses to kill, steal, and destroy is a stronghold of poverty in a person’s life. A spirit of poverty can manifest itself in many forms: typically in the area of finances but also in love, respect, self-esteem, or parental nurturing and so on. The spirit focuses on lack and in essence steals what rightfully belongs to a child of God.
When people are struggling financially, we always ask if they are tithing/giving to the Lord through their church because disobedience in this area can lead to difficulties (we believe Mal. 3:10 still applies today!).
While we minister individual deliverance from this spirit in people’s lives, I have seen territorial poverty spirits associated with the land people were raised on. Frequently poverty is often found in farming towns or rural towns in the South, for instance. I have also seen poverty curses working through heritage.
Poverty Curses Can Be Generational
Indian cultures have all suffered with the loss of land, limitation, and reservation. I recently had a client who told me he moved eighteen times in one year. His mom was full blooded Sioux. I had another client that had always lived in cramped quarters and was constantly losing those quarters. Her family was mixed with American Indian. The spirits of poverty and theft often work together.
Poverty associated with lack of love will always invite in spirits of rejection, insecurity, inadequacy, self -pity depression and more. Demonic spirits are often like cockroaches in that there is typically more than one at work! Their intention is to cause you to compare yourself to others and feel unworthy. All spirits of lack associated with self-esteem create a victim mentality that keeps you focusing on yourself instead of God.
There are many reasons why a person may have a spirit of poverty at work in their life. If you have been struggling with a stronghold of poverty that is keeping you from breakthrough, it is time to get to the root of that cause. It may be buried in your childhood, your hometown, or your heritage, but it is always directed at your purpose and calling of God.