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Counseling Services
Individual, marriage and family counseling services from experienced, compassionate NCCA-Licensed Clinical Pastoral Counselors. Office appointments (FL) and help worldwide via internet conferencing.
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Deliverance Ministry
Gain freedom from demonic strongholds that are tormenting your life and holding you back from all God has for you. Office appointments (FL) and help worldwide via internet conferencing.
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Christian Counseling Degrees
Are you called to be a Christian Counselor? Visit our Academy website to learn about our self-paced, distance learning, home study program to earn a Bachelors, Masters or Doctoral degree in Christian Counseling (or a counseling license only). NCCA-Licensing included in degree programs.
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Deliverance Ministry Training
Learn our proven and effective five step deliverance ministry process to help set the captives free, as featured on national television. Complete online training videos, handouts and PowerPoints to minister to adults and children.
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