Are you one who has a mind that never shuts off?
Does it race the minute your head hits the pillow?
If you are sleepless because of demonic thoughts or a mind that never stops, this article is for you!
Let’s face it; your day can be an onslaught of over-stimulation. You can be so used to running that you don’t have a moment to breath much less think. You go from task to task like a hamster on a wheel.
Your job, children and spouse all cry out for your full attention. You drop into bed at night exhausted. Then, “click” you are wide awake. Everything you didn’t have time to think about during the day is now demanding your attention.
I hate it when that happens and the demonic kingdom capitalizes upon it!
Demons excel in making weary the saints of God. It’s probably one of their entry level teachings on torment!
I can hear the class instructor now, “Just keep them up all night. Your job is to harass them with hyperactive thoughts so they cannot sleep. Then greet them in the morning with exhaustion so joy is absent from their day.”
I’ve been down this road, have you?
This nighttime war is only won when we discern who we are fighting!
Demons can be on the outside harassing you, on the inside tormenting you, or you can be fighting your own fleshly thoughts.
We don’t look for demons behind every bush, but my first reaction leans toward that of a warrior. I rush to grab the keys to bind that which is bound in heaven and loose that which is loosed in heaven (Matt 16:19). I declare out loud, “I bind all harassing demons of hyperactivity and unrest with the blood of Jesus Christ and loose peace, and rest from God, in Jesus’ mighty name.”
That works if there is a demon spirit throwing ungodly thoughts at you that are not your own. But what if it’s just you in your bedroom with your own thoughts? That’s when we make it easy for the enemy just to sit back and mock us. Our flesh is doing all the work for them.
I engaged one night in significant spiritual warfare with what I thought were harassing spirits of unrest and hyperactivity.
After my battle had proved unsuccessful, I heard the gentle voice of the Holy Spirit say, “Take your own thoughts captive to the obedience of Jesus Christ.” Humbled, I took His advice and refocused.
Take Demonic Thoughts Captive
- Speak out loud: “I take my thoughts captive to the obedience of Jesus Christ. I saturate my mind with the blood of Jesus Christ.”
- We have a choice! Declare: “I will think about what I want to think about!” Then do it. Pick that thought-picture that brings you the most joy. I pictured my head lying on Jesus’ chest.
- Finish by thanking God for all your blessings.
Within minutes of that shift, I was sound asleep.
It’s a scientific fact that when you use the part of your brain that functions with thankfulness and worship the other side of your brain that allows worry or unrest cannot operate at the same time. Praising the King of Kings actually does win the war!
If you have tried these, and you continue to struggle with demonic torment at night, the spirits keeping you awake at night may have gained a foothold in your soul. Deliverance Counseling is your next step to winning this battle.