We see many instances in Scripture where Jesus would encounter people and leave them with an encouraging, “Go, your faith has healed you!” directive. They would depart with their heart’s desire met (Mark 5:34, Mark 10:52, Luke 17:19 are a few instances) and each time Jesus was pleased with what he saw in them! Why is there so much resistance to this same type of faith admonition today?
A recent article in Charisma News lamented the fact that many in the mainstream media were lampooning the realm of faith healing. There is widespread and heated debate in the Body of Christ about this entire realm so it is totally unsurprising that the secular crowd is jumping in also.Have there been abuses and unhappy examples in the realm of faith healing? Of course there has been and they will always be in the mix. However, we cannot throw out the proverbial baby out with the bath water. As the Charisma article points out, true “faith healing” is holding fast to the belief that God still heals!
In our counseling center, we encourage people to stir up their faith for God to do a work in their life. We love desperate people and the reality is that Jesus did not minister to, heal and deliver everyone he came in contact with. However, he did mighty works in those with enough faith to believe that they could approach him and he would help! That is still what he is looking for today!
We love in a “show me and I’ll believe” world. This paradigm has also infected the church in many ways when it comes to the supernatural moves of God including healing and deliverance ministry. Those who profess to follow Christ should believe that he is still, as John Wimber said, “doing the stuff”.
Our declaration should be, “Jesus, by your stripes I am healed and I will declare and stand on that until it manifests in my life.” In Mark 16:17, Jesus told the church to drive out demons and we need to stand on that and respond in obedience to that today. Someone who needs deliverance needs to stir up their faith that Jesus wants that for them!
That is not foolish faith nor does it preclude going to doctors or getting medical treatment that can be helpful! God has worked through man to provide treatments and vaccines for many different ailments and afflictions. Faith properly exercised might involve going to the Lord first for healing rather than just reaching for the medicine cabinet or calling the doctor.
Physical afflictions and diseases beyond the scope of what modern medicine can heal offer the opportunity for God to show off, to reveal his goodness, grace and power when he brings healing! We should relish those opportunities and rejoice when it happens. Our job is to believe and walk in faith and, as necessary, stir up our faith so he can respond!
As the article correctly points out, “Mocking spirits are nothing new to Christianity. People mocked early Christians who were filled with the Spirit (Acts 2:13) and people still mock Spirit-filled, tongue-talking Christians today.”Have you seen an instance in your life where your faith was what activated God’s power to move in your life in a particular situation of healing or deliverance?