I saw an article in my local newspaper this morning that compelled me to put pen to paper. The secular world has so sanitized the occultic realm that a public school teacher in Florida felt safe bringing in a speaker with a ouija board to teach on summoning spirits!
The complete article, from Tampa Bay Online, is at the link below but the summary point is that it became a story because some parents objected to their children, without their consent, being subjected to this and also coming home with order forms to buy the speakers book.
Can you imagine the uproar if someone came in to teach from the bible and try to sell Christian resources? Political correctness aside, it is a measure of how far our society has slipped that this is even happening at all. This never happened when I was a child and I suspect the same is true for many of you.
The children were in a reading class and expressed an interest in learning about paranormal activities. The teacher, who had discretion to choose materials, invited in an “expert” on the ouija board who specializes in teaching how to summon spirits. This fascination in children with the occult realm has clearly been fueled in large measure by the Harry Potter series, movies and video games.
As Christian counselors, we have seen the fruit of this fascination in children’s lives. We have ministered to those who have drawn into the demonic realm through certain video games, shows and music and have unwittingly invited spirits in. The seeds have been planted and watered and we have no doubt that the harvest of bad fruit in many children’s lives is approaching sooner rather than later. The eyes and the ears are the windows of the soul and we believe parents need to be wise about what their children read and see.
Our experience is that occultic activities can be very seductive in drawing people into the darker places and opening of doors for torment. Will reading a book or playing the Ouija board a few times as a child result in demonization? For most people, the answer is no but for some significant number it can be fascinating and a gateway into further and deeper exploration. Most people who drive off a road at night typically don’t make a sharp turn. They usually drift out of their lane, onto the shoulder and in to trouble before they realize it.
The road to life is a narrow one (Matthew 7:13-14). The wise parents, who profess Christ and are trying to raise their children in biblical truth, will be on guard and work to expose the plans and schemes of the demonic realm who are seeking to destroy.
How do you feel about the Harry Potter series? What about occult movies for your children, even those rated PG? Is the ouija board truly harmless and just a game?