In the name of the Lord Jesus, I declare before heaven and hell that I will not die, prematurely. I will not die before my time but instead live and declare the works of the Lord in the land of the living. I refuse to be killed, limited, or held back by any sickness, infirmity, or affliction of any shape or form. I refuse to die by air, by land, by water, in my sleep, by food poisoning, by arrows shot at me in the spirit.
I overturn and interrupt every plot, scheme and plan of the enemy to destroy me in advance. I overturn every sentence and verdict from the regions of hell and the grave, covens of witches, warlocks, and from any man or women appointed as a thorn in my life to hurt me. I declare every evil agenda be arrested now, in the name of Jesus.
In the name of Jesus, I abort every demonic conception and meant to birth destruction over my life, family, destiny, and finances. By the blood of the lamb I veto it now and shout overturn! Overturn! Every conspiracy is overturned!
In the name of Jesus, let every demonic plot be miscarried, I silence the mocking voice of the enemy, now. I shut their mouths in Jesus name. I will walk in the promised will of God for my life. Amen