Have you found yourself saying; “Who is this child?”
Was 14-years old the age they disappeared?
Teenagers remind me of a beautiful plant properly potted and nurtured, that suddenly hits a wild growth spurt becomes unrecognizable!
Raising children, even those grounded in God’s word, can try your patience when rebellious spirits begin to take root.
I know these teen years personally because I have two daughters just fifteen months apart!
I used to tell them all the time: “The decisions you make now are going to affect the rest of your life. Your roots are in God’s garden, but if you let those branches grow wild outside God’s protective fence, it will hurt when He comes to prune them back!” (and He did)
We are seeing an increase in the number of teenagers coming in for counseling. I’m cautious about praying deliverance for this age group because of intense peer pressure, however, we have two vital teachings they need to hear. These teachings focus on the reality of the demonic realm and their intention to kill steal and destroy (John 10:10).
As one wise parent recently told me, “I am here with my daughter because it is my responsibility to present her with the truth!” She was training her daughter up in the way that she should go and realized she needed outside counsel.
Our teachings are very simply laid out with slide shows, handouts, and homework! We spend a great deal of time on the open doors the demonic realm uses to torment people, along with unforgiveness, judgments, breaking ungodly soul-ties, sexual sin, and parental respect.
Our teachings show them the war over their future in clear Biblical terms they understand.
Some teens openly engage in conversation during these sessions while others remain silent and just listen to what we teach. Many are aware of, and believe in, the demonic realm but have no understanding of how it operates.
Recently I saw the lights turn on with one of these teens regarding rejection and same sex attraction. Once she understood where these thoughts came from, she realized she was being emotionally seduced into something she was not made for and didn’t really desire. She actually got angry that she had bought the lie so easily.
Rejection, rebellion, abandonment, depression, suicidal thoughts, unworthiness, and fear are just a few spirits that reveal the demons tactics to gain control of our children. Our children need to know what God says about them. They have certainly heard the bombardment of the enemy’s lies.
The seeds of knowledge and wisdom planted in your children will guide them away from the lies and bring them back to the truth.
As an adult, don’t you wish you knew then what you know now?
These teachings are a great way to start the year off right!