There are various approaches and methodologies in the Body of Christ as it pertains to ministering deliverance. In some church environments or meetings one will see the man or woman of God laying hands on people(pray deliverance) at the altar and casting out spirits.
We believe there is a better way than quickly laying hands on people and do not encourage this approach for the following reasons:
- If the person is demonically-oppressed (that is, indwelt by tormenting spirits) there was a legal entry point for them. It is important for those entry points to be dealt with, or have the doors closed, prior to ministry.
- The issue of salvation for the individual is not often addressed. If the person is not a believer, then it’s going to be difficult many times to get the spirits to leave and they have little hope of staying free afterwards.
- People can have more than one spirit at work and we want them all to go. What good does it do to kill only a few cockroaches or termites that might be infesting your home? Spirits generally respond by name and we have found they need to be called out by name (or at least a name group) for them to obey.
- The person receives little or no instruction on how to stay free and keep the doors closed.
- The person is not typically warned about the reality that the spirits will seek to return to the house and bring along other seven other spirits that are even more evil.
- The person is not typically taught how to discern (that is, to “see” them spiritually) and deal with these returning spirits.
We respect that other ministries and churches have different approaches to deliverance. No one ministry has all the answers and we are just trying to share best practices. We utilize a five session process model that allows us to understand the person’s background, prepare them with some teaching and homework for them to prepare and then the actual ministry session (typically two hours duration). We also have a follow up session to assess results and teach them how to begin to stay free and do the necessary spiritual warfare when the spirits seek to return to the house.
We have ministered to many who have had deliverance prayed over them in different manners and the stories range from powerful to bizarre to very sad. Deliverance ministry does not have to be a circus and in fact it can be done in order without theatrics. Generally, it is our experience that if we encounter difficulties, or when there a lot of manifestations, it is because that some entry point has not been dealt with.
It is not necessary to yell, scream, hit or otherwise degrade someone in order for demons to leave. It should be done privately (not in front of an audience or bemused crowd) because there is a human being that is being dealt with and they should be respected and treated with love.