Could a sense of entitlement, rooted in self-pity, set up a reward system in your life that opens the door for over-eating, over-spending or over-“whatevering”?
The opposite of confidence and value is self-pity. Self-pity occurs when we feel we deserve to receive something and then get overlooked. It could cause us to set up our own reward system that involves over- eating or over- spending.
I know that at one low point in my life I had at least fifteen pairs of sunglasses and several closets of shoes. Every time something happened at work that caused me to feel slighted, I would head to the store to shop. These were my one hour “lunch time rewards” that didn’t require me to try anything on. I was consoled momentarily by portable little image changers that allowed me a new and improved look in the mirror.
But what happens if those rewards lead to a stronghold of bondage with food or shopping addictions? The root may be in that entitlement mind-set. For Christians who have left behind many bad habits, it would follow that things like shopping and eating aren’t really as bad as what was left behind. We feel entitled because we can’t do the other things anymore. And so we engage until we reach a point and realize that we have overindulged and crossed a line.
Then justification begins to rear its ugly head and we find ourselves saying things like, “I feel completely justified in getting what I want because I sure didn’t get the things I felt I should have.” That rationale comes straight from the pit of hell.
In the United States we are born with a sense of entitlement, which could be the open door. We have certain expectations here because of where we live and how life should be for us who live here. Somewhere along the line we have gotten the idea that we are entitled to a loving husband or wife, obedient children, and a lovely home in a good neighborhood.
Perhaps it’s a leftover mind set from the old T.V. shows like “Leave it to Beaver”or “The Waltons”. (I didn’t grow up with June Cleaver, in my house it was more in the line of “Mommy Dearest”) With that, the enemy throws thoughts at us that since we didn’t have that kind of childhood, there are things owed to us. If you look deep you may see that at some level there is something in you that thinks it you should have had a certain kind of life. Not because of anything you have done but just because of your existence on the planet.
And there it is, that root lie, the enemy plants in order to make it hard for us to be content. It causes restlessness and discontent that drives people to eat or spend for reasons they don’t understand.
If we look at self pity and entitlement square in the eye, and identify it, we can boot those spirits out. But you have to fall out of agreement with lie that you are owed something first and realize that there is a plan and a purpose for your life that supersedes this lie.
Another definition of “entitle” is to qualify, to give claim by possession of suitable qualifications. Through the blood of Jesus and our acceptance of Him we are qualified and can lay claim to the wonderful promises he has planned for us. To these promises the answers are yes and amen. To those we are completely entitled.
So take a look at what is lurking under some of your bad habits. We have seen deliverance set people free from mindsets that keep them in bondage to addictions. Jesus died for you to live a life of gratitude, praise and victory. Are you living that life?