I came to Above & Beyond Counseling Center because I was felling “stuck” in my walk with Christ. I had felt this way for a while, but thought I could handle it by doing more for God and staying busy. My prayers were very shallow and distracted, and I felt numb.
I knew that things that had happened to me and words that had been spoken over me still hurt. I was in a “little girl place” even though I had a college degree and had served in leadership roles both professionally and in the Christian realm.
My hunger for healing became greater than my fear and pride so I made my appointment for counseling. Phyllis welcomed me and I felt a weight lifted off my shoulders. The first step is making the appointment and then God will meet you there in His power, grace and mercy. A word given confirmed what I had felt coming in to counseling. That there was an umbrella over me protecting me from my childhood hurts and it was limiting me in fear of what God wanted me to do verses the way I was doing it. It was holding back the rain of God on my life.
I came out of counseling with an understanding of why I felt the way I did, which was a big relief, greater understanding of spiritual warfare, and freedom from bondage, and practical steps to stay that way.
My deliverance session was very gentle (I was scared) and yet very powerful. There was no yelling or any kind of spectacle, just the pure authority of God. This authority was at work like a laser healing the hurting and hidden places.
My experience with Above & Beyond Counseling Ministries was life changing and I would recommend them to anyone.