How long does it take the sins of the father to visit the third and fourth generations as it is written in Exodus 20:5? I know that there is great debate about this verse and how it can manifest in a Christian’s life but I believe that God gave me that answer the night my mother passed away.
I remember suddenly sitting up in bed that night and not being able to catch my breath. It felt as if a ton of weight had landed on my chest. I could see fear on my husband’s face as he propped me up with pillows and tried to comfort me. Within fifteen minutes the phone rang. It was the nurse telling me my mother had just passed away. My very first question to her was, “Do people know before you tell them?” I will never forget her response: “Seventy-five percent of the people I call, have already had some kind of advance notice, physically or mentally.”
I had heard so-called new age healers speak of this as the “universal energy” that must go somewhere when a person dies. However, the bible, Gods word, clearly tells us this is not energy! When my mother died the doors of unforgiveness, bitterness, and resentment were wide open in my life thus giving the demonic realm a legal right to deposit my inheritance of generational sin. I know now that those demonic spirits that had been tormenting my mother had sought to come upon me and I could physically discern their presence in my bedroom that night.
It was two years before I found freedom through deliverance and by that time, many strongholds had been firmly entrenched. I battled against sinning in areas I had not previously struggled with. As God’s children, we have authority over this demonic inheritance through deliverance. We are not to accept what has always been in our families, whether its addictions, divorce, anger, poverty, lust, depression or fear. It’s time to rise up and take back what has been stolen from you and your family. Deliverance is the key to restoration and freedom from generational sins and curses.