Knowing the land of your forefathers is fundamental to understanding the generational sin that is repeating in your family bloodline.
Land is important to God.
God’s children are His inheritance.
God formed His inheritance from the land. From the dust of the land, we came, and to the land we will return (Gen 2:7).
The connection between what we are made of, the land and how that land’s sin impacts us is critical to understanding generational sin.
In Gen. 3:17 God said to Adam, because your wife sinned the ground is now cursed and your lives will be full of struggle to scratch a living from it.
America is a new nation, so it is easy for us to look back at trauma that has swept across our land and impacted us as Americans.
One example is the “The Great Depression.” It was a time of devastating loss and financial failure. Poverty hit nearly every family in America without notice.
I often heard my mother recount her days of struggle during the depression era. Depression was the word curse spoken from everyone’s lips across this nation.
Our generation has yet to experience that type of financial collapse, however, the spirit of depression is more prevalent today than ever before.
In my age group alone, the percentages of women, suffering from depression and on medication is alarming.
The tactics of the enemy causing depression are different, but the spiritual torment remains the same.
The Great Depression arrived in America in the 1930’s and the effects are upon our land causing generational suffering.
In Ireland massive famine and starvation entered during the potato blight. Five million fled to the United States to escape starvation. Spirits of famine, starvation, and deprivation are still operational in Irish bloodlines. Today it manifests in eating disorders of gluttony, with fear of lack through hoarding. This poverty spirit will also manifest in the lack of affection, finances, and security.
The lands of Cuba and Puerto Rico were cursed by the occultic practices of Santeria and Voodoo. These curses still manifest over the children here in the United States. Many of my clients went to the high priests for healing prayers with their parents. They still remember experiencing the demonic effects of these prayers and often feel they are still being victimized by spirits that came in through those prayers.
As you begin to study the land of your forefathers and your ethnic mix, you will recognize how you are impacted by the curses of that land.
For more understanding on generational sin, and how it pertains to your heritage, visit our website. We have written a series of these blogs that may help you understand the root of your current oppression.
You have the authority to break the curse through confession and repentance. However, you may need help in casting out the spirits of torment that are keeping you from victory.
Christian Counselors trained in deliverance can do in weeks what secular counselors may never accomplish in years of sessions.