I’ve heard statements like this from clients. They are reticent to part with the spirit of anger, because they believe it makes them who they are, stronger, more confident, and not vulnerable to abuse.
When you partner with anger by calling it “my friend,” you are creating an emotional bonding with a demonic spirit.
Spirits have minds; they can think and reason and manipulate. We understand the nature of demons from Mathew 8:31. The demons, speaking through the men from the tombs, begged Jesus to cast them into the pigs. They knew who he was, they knew where he could send them, and they were bartering for the pigs because they wanted to stay on the island. Even today, they want to manipulate you!
How Does Anger Manipulate You?
Anger creates a “rush” of adrenalin that empowers you to control and dominate others. You taste victory by defeating your opponent with cruel words that cut and wound.
Anger helps you set up a “no trespassing” sign that strikes fear into anyone daring to cross you boundary lines. It isolates you and hardens your heart with distrust.
A spirit of anger poses as your protector, your weapon of warfare. It is, in fact, a weapon that destroys love. The Bible tells us to love our enemy and that a true servant of the Lord must not quarrel but be gentle to all (2 Tim 2:24).
Anger is anything but your friend. Its agenda is to seduce you with power and leave you abandoned, rejected, and spiritually bankrupt!
Are you ready to drop this toxic relationship?
4 Simple Steps to Begin to Break the Grip of Anger in Your Life!
1. Confess and repent to God for partnering with a spirit of anger and allowing it to use your tongue.
2. Cancel any word curses that you have spoken over others. Your words have the power of life and death, blessings or curses. (Prov.18:21) Pray out loud; “I break every word curse I have spoken over (names) in anger and I cancel its assignment in the name and blood of Jesus Christ.”
3. Forgive and release judgments against those you have quarreled with. As you judge, you will be judged. What comes out of your mouth eventually will land on your head! Speak out loud; “Lord, I understand that forgiveness is not based on my emotions, and it doesn’t make what the other person did right, but I choose with my free will to release forgiveness and drop all judgment against (Names) in the name and blood of Jesus Christ.”
4. Break the bonding with “my anger” by repeating “Lord, I break the tie with that spirit of anger, and I plead the blood of Jesus between us. I dispatch warring angels to stand between us, and I do all this in the name of Jesus Christ.”
These steps will begin to distance you from anger if you have relied on this term for a long time. I also encourage you to watch this short video we did about “5 Spiritual Keys to Keep You From the Anger Trap.” You will gain some helpful tips.
I encourage you to seek help to break the stronghold of anger in your life. If you do not have access to competent pastoral Christian counseling where you live, you should consider contacting us. Read some client success stories. We help people worldwide, and we will do all that we can to help you gain victory in this area!