Deliverance Ministry
Freeing You From the Enemy's Bondage

Deliverance ministry is the “driving out of demons”. Jesus did it, he trained his disciples to do it and he said that it would be one of the signs to follow believers (Mark 16:17). Demonic spirits torment and oppression Christians. We provide a proven and effective five step process to help set people free! Our Center was featured on a Lisa Ling TV special on deliverance ministry. Learn more.
Do You Need Deliverance?
Maybe you are well aware of the fact that you would benefit from deliverance ministry or maybe you are unsure. You have questions about who does really needs it? Do Christians need deliverance? There are indicators or evidences that someone is being tormented by demonic spirits and will benefit from it.
How We Do It
There are so many approaches out there; some are good and others outlandish. We believe in preparing people for deliverance and it can flow in a quiet, gentle and thorough fashion. Plus, we have a followup session to show you how to stay free.
Where We Do It
The Counseling Center has offices in Tampa, Clearwater and Brandon FL which allows us to serve clients in the Tampa Bay area and other parts of Florida. We also utilize internet and online web conferencing technology extensively which allows us help clients worldwide. All you need is a high speed internet connection and webcam. We have a worldwide client and student base.
Children's Deliverance
Do you see behaviors in your children that concern or frighten you? Have they been victimized by abuse ? Do you see patterns that are present in the family tree? Do they doctors want to prescribe medications and you are uncomfortable with that option? Deep down, as a parent, you may sense that the problems are spiritual and not medical in nature. As unfair as it sounds, children can be tormented and oppressed by demonic spirits just like adults.
We know you have questions and will want them answered before you meet with us. We encourage you to research this website. We encourage you to see responses to the questions we get asked most frequently about deliverance ministry.
Benefits of Deliverance Ministry
We believe that every believer will benefit from receiving competent deliverance ministry. While we adamantly teach that demonic spirits are not the source of every problem in a person’s life, there are some very common benefits that people typically see:
What Happens at the First Session?
The first session, whether in our office or online via the internet, is always an interview where you can share the issues the issues that have led you to seek help. It is the first session in the five step process. It is very open-ended: you talk, we listen and ask clarifying questions. It is your opportunity to get everything out on the table!
Typical questions addressed include, but are not limited to, the following:
- “If you died today, would you be in heaven or hell? If you think you’d be in heaven, why would God let you in?”Christian Counseling Counselors Tampa
- “What is your family history?”
- “Do you see issues in your life that seem to be generational”
- (For couples): “What are the major issues you are dealing with?”
- (For families): “What behaviors do you see in your children that are a concern?
- “Are there ‘issues’ in your life (depression, anger, fear, addictions, pornography, etc) that you’ve not gotten victory over?”
- Client’s understanding of spiritual warfare
- Personal or family history in the occult
- Synopsis of major relationships/marriages and why they ended
- Past and present use of psychotropic medications
- Past counseling experiences and / or healing processes
Financial Consideration
The counseling center is self-supporting and we are not subsidized by any churches or outside organizations. The normal cost for counseling services from NCCA-licensed and degreed counselors typically runs $150 or more per 50-minute session or more.
For those who have lower incomes, the following sliding scale price guide, based upon total gross household income, presents another option.
Monthly Gross Income | Per Session |
Less than $2000/month | $105 |
$2000 - $4000 / month | $130 |
More than $4000/month | $150 |
"Released to Soar" Deliverance Seminars
If you are in the Tampa Bay region of Florida and are interested in our group deliverance sessions, visit the “Released To Soar” Deliverance Seminars page for more information.
These sessions are scheduled three times yearly at Arise Church at Brandon and comprise two nights of teaching followed by one-on-one ministry from our anointed prayer team members. There is no charge for these seminars and donations are received.
Are You Ready?
Are your looking to be trained in deliverance ministry? Visit our Deliverance Academy website.